In Italy the situation is really unbearable. Without a vaccination passport you can no longer work. As I have already written to you since the first of September I am at home without work. It's sad but it's happening right under our eyes. I have been a believer for twenty years and I can assure you that it is a very hard test. I am also thinking of expatriation but I don't even know where to go. They took our jobs away! Pray again for my wife and me. Let's pray together for Italy. Remember that what is happening now here could happen anywhere because Italy has been chosen as the world leader for the organization of vaccinations. Thanks again. I love you in Jesus Christ.
@tanjaostman kind of 😃
Yay! Christmas 😍 sale is here!
also... to check if you have the gift of tongues interpretation ask me for a Polish version called "Fufusiowe Opowieści: Odwaga do bycia posłusznym".
@ChristopherJHardwick yes, amen
@sinbach this picture is precious!
@Cherishingsparrows2020 @Bereonb2020 yeah, we need to be careful. We can post 99 good pics showing the truth but someone will focus on the 1 mistake and try to diminish the other 99.
@Cherishingsparrows2020 @Bereonb2020
sadly... this is a picture from 2019, taken in Zurich, I've found the exact spot.
@sinbach @bethany @Will 😱 China crackdown on Apple store hits apps for reading Bible, Quran
LIVE (on delay) from inside BTJ food distribution at a Syrian refugee camp.
@Overcomer Welcome back!
Online Christian Bookshop Owner.
Christian Publisher.
Living in Poland, Praying for Revival, Working for the Harvest