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Have you seen this?
Check out the trailer.
This movie is a mind-blasting, heart tearing and tear squeezing masterpiece of war & rescue documentary

Tymoteusz boosted

@Kruselady @dragonski let's have a call one day! it will be easier than writing πŸ˜ƒ

Tymoteusz boosted

Anyone struggling right now, wondering if God has a plan for your life, if you are a believer, should ask the question. How could He not?

Tymoteusz boosted

@sinbach I never thought I will be praying for someone NOT TO WIN the lottery... 🀣
It's for your own good Eugene πŸ˜‚

Tymoteusz boosted

@tymektt chasing revival is one of my favorite books. It brought to life things I wondered about and excited me about God's doing in the affairs of man

@sinbach @bethany let's all sit on one bike and jump over @Will .
Let's see if he trusts us πŸ˜‚

Tymoteusz boosted

@bethany Dear Sis..My Mother passed in June...had her funeral last Friday...not a good time for me.
But I have my Joy back!!!

From "3 weeks to flatten the curve" to the brink of World War 3...
humanity, always messing stuff up.
Let's go Chasing Revival!!!

You can worship in all the different styles πŸ’£

rough translation of the chorus:
"I have neither a sword nor a rifle in my hand. I stand unarmed outside the walls of Babylon. I am invoking the power of the Spirit. The spirit comes on fire. Only the ruins of Babylon remain of the walls."


Since at least March 2022 I'm being targetted by Canada Imigration ads, from different companies.
Nope, I'm not falling on this one! 🀣

Tymoteusz boosted

@tymektt my sister's father was a survivor of the camps . A polish man who lied and said he was Czech only reason he wasn't killed.

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