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Did you know that 120 000 Polish refugees from Russian WW2 labor camps were taken in by Iran after 1941?

Here is a testimony of one of them:
“Life in Iran was quiet and peaceful. In 1943, I joined the Association of Polish Scouts. I studied English. Isfahan, the city of my youth, was beautiful. We got to know the customs of the Persians, taking what was good for ourselves. We were driven to the swimming pool and the bathhouse twice a week. Archbishop Marina has hired seven coaches to allow us to visit the wonderful old Isfahan monuments. Time was spent studying, scouting exercises and Polish folk dances in regional costumes. We organized "Jasełek" and performed in the theater. We were often visited by various dignitaries, church and lay people - there was also the Shah of Iran with his entourage."

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While preparing our next video I'm going through some "303 Squadron" documentaries.

Looking up to those heroes, I want to be at least as dedicated to the Great Comission as they were dedicated to defending England.

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@tymektt @sinbach
Check the note in the order. They should make it a proper fund.

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@tymektt @sinbach I would def travel all the way to Poland for a piece!! ....oh, yes, and the company of you and your family!! ( I'm in need of that baby girls hug!)

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So the time has come... enough of those shurikens, time to be a propper Ding Dash Ninja.🙅‍♂️
@sinbach @bethany @Olamide @MaryMamuzich @Kruselady @tanjaostman @Berrybunchfamily

Hey @Will , you should catch up 🔥🥰🤩

@katharos @sinbach global movement has the potential of raising millions $ 🤣

My wife just made this Strawberry Pie, anyone hungry? 🤩 Except for @sinbach , it's not keto friendly, you are probably eating raw fish from the stream anyway.

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At least one person was killed and several were injured Sunday in an attack on the inauguration of a Greek Orthodox church in Syria’s Hama Governorate. 😢

There are reports of one or two deaths from the attack, and as many as 12 wounded. 😢

@davereimer Thank you, I do appreciate what you've just written. Thank you.

@davereimer whoa... this is wrong to say on so many levels. I'm not going down that path.

so far 4,750,000 Ukrainian refugees had fled the war zone and entered Poland.
I'm speechless.

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@weavers4jesus @Cherishingsparrows2020 this is a topic that others need to know about. thank you for sharing. this info needs to get out for others to pray.

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