@DreamCenter wow what a nice bunch of people!
@sinbach I don't think that you are as much excited as I am 🤩
"Nie pytajcie więc, co będziecie jeść lub co będziecie pić, ani nie martwcie się o to. O to wszystko bowiem zabiegają narody świata. Lecz wasz Ojciec wie, że tego potrzebujecie. Szukajcie raczej królestwa Bożego, a to wszystko będzie wam dodane. Nie bój się, mała trzódko, gdyż upodobało się waszemu Ojcu dać wam królestwo. Sprzedawajcie, co posiadacie, i dawajcie jałmużnę. Przygotujcie sobie sakiewki, które nie starzeją się, skarb w niebie, którego nie ubywa, gdzie złodziej nie ma dostępu ani mól nie niszczy. Bo gdzie jest wasz skarb, tam będzie też wasze serce." Ewangelia Łukasza 12, 29-34
@xtian o wow... this is precious
@sinbach shots fired 🤩
Only because of the man in the middle
@tymektt Our part of Louisiana was hit the hardest by Ida(190mph gusts recorded). It was probably the strongest hurricane to ever hit Louisiana, but thankfully, no flooding. My house is gutted since 4 windows busted through (shutters and all) and hurricane Ida made herself at home in my house, but we were not nearly as bad as most homes in this area. The people here have come together as usual, and we're moving forward. I've seen GOD's beauty every day since the storm. He's truly near to the broken-hearted.
@messenjahofchrist you are back! wow... I did not see you in a while. How is Louisiana? How is your house?
@elasiewniak even when you read this in English it really sounds in your head like him :P
So... ding dash thinks I'm in Australia. Anyway, it's a new day folks! Whatever there is to be handled remember - YOU ARE NEVER ALONE. I have no idea of who and what are the members of the cloud of witnesses around you but certainly they are cheering for your to overcome!
And the Lord himself said that He will never abandon you nor forsake you.
So, let's do it gang!
for some reason my thoughts today are with the @Berrybunchfamily & brother @Olamide
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