We surrender all ! Soon a group of youngsters will memorize John 3:16 and Great Commission from Matthew 28: 18-20.
They are from rural farming background.
We disciple them in various areas.

Pray that these hands may heal the sick, raise the dead and baptize in their poverty stricken communities.

Good news 🙌

Church growing in Saudi Arabia faster than global average | God Reports


> Under the threat of hanging, Christians are evangelizing in Saudi Arabia, and the church is growing.

Pray for justice and protection of religious minorities in Pakistan 🙏 - Z

Young Christian woman seeks justice after rape in Pakistan


> An 18-year-old Catholic woman in Pakistan said police have refused to arrest a Muslim who abducted and raped her at gunpoint last week.

@paga4 I fear for America due to our blatent sins! Oh that we would repent!

What people eat in Bhutan, the world’s ‘happiest country’ - SCMP


> Situated in the Eastern Himalayas, the kingdom of Bhutan has become synonymous with serenity and spirituality. People outside Bhutan have given the country many names, such as “happiest country in the world” or “last Shangri-la”. Bhutan authorities have not focused on measuring economic growth with an index like gross domestic product (GDP), choosing instead tallying Gross National Happiness (GNH)...

Telegram Will Now Share Users’ IP Addresses and Phone Numbers With Governments in Response to Legal Requests - Christina Maas


> Telegram, the messaging app that once positioned itself as the rebel’s answer to Big Tech surveillance, has made a sharp U-turn on the “we protect your data at all costs” highway. On Monday, the company quietly updated its privacy policy to allow for the disclosure of user information—like those precious IP addresses and phone numbers—to law...

I took a screenshot of a video (Telegram: Zeee Media) when this innocent teacher was arrested in Ireland for refusing to teach transgender ideology.

The Police took custody of a non believing spouse and threatened to arrest the believing family member. Please pray for boldness and protection for the minority Christian believers living in this Buddhist country.

This is the border between Finland and Sweden (up north), Torne river. Total length of the river is 510 km (320 mi).The buildings are on the Swedish side, and are Fishing village and museum.

The girl's body was found one km away from the village. The wolf had eaten both her hands. "We work as labourers all day to raise our children. We are so poor and cannot afford to get doors installed at our house," she added. theweek.in/news/india/2024/09/

Afghanistan - Prayercast


> Prayercast exists to activate victorious, world-changing prayer and worship through mass media and the arts to advance the gospel to the masses.

Afghanistan Prayer Station


> Hi! You are now entering the Prayer Stations. This is where you get to see people and hear their music while you ask God to move in their region.

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