
I am doing a podcast today with a friend from California.
We are both Christians.
She is a mom who feels that everyone should wear face masks. I am a father that does not wear a face mask.
What are your thoughts
Is it our Christian duty to wear face masks?

@sinbach tough one! As a mum - they’re a pain, as a daughter of someone who is high risk - they’re essential, as a nurse - they’re pointless if not used properly 🤷🏻‍♀️

@Lindseyay yea, i get it. i am not choosing sides - just ...I don't want to wear one. haha. but honestly i do not really know if I do not want to wear one or if I just enjoy making the mask nazi's angry with me. Either way - i am happy to be in a place where NO ONE wears one. Ever. so, it is an interesting topic that i look forward to having with my good friend - because she believes STRONGLY in Christians wearing them. It should be a fun podcast. 😆

@sinbach @Lindseyay
I don’t wear a mask to protect myself but for others.

@sinbach okay, works. I wear them only if I need to and only where it doesn't collide with any biblical commands. Meaning: I think we should obey God more than man concerning mask when fellowshipping with saints for example, when worshipping God, since singing and mask wont work well. But then, we'd need to gather together first, which is still forbidden in some places and therefore a more important descision than wearing a mask or not...

@sinbach what if it's a yes, but not a strong "Wear a facemask idiot" kind of yes? 😂

@sinbach If I'm sharing the Gospel and my not wearing a mask is an offense to them I rather wear the mask in hopes to win their soul. I'm only willing to offend with the Gospel.

I recently happened to speak from the gospel by the grace of Jesus at a bar, outside, at a table, without masks, and others heard the discussions with the one who had invited me to talk to him (clearly he did not expect the gospel, but everything was prepared from above to hear from the real Jesus). I'm sorry I'm not a good truther of grace, and many graces don't lead them to people through the gospel, but I have to correct myself...

@sinbach Yes and No
Yes, but only because the stores are requiring us to do so. BUT not calling someone out on not having one or calling them an idiot.
No, Personal opinion. I do not believe this is going to help and people who are sick should only wear them.

@sinbach is there a “everyone should do what they think is best” option? 🤔

@bethany no. only war to the death is acceptable in such serious matters

@messenjahofchrist the podcast was pretty cool. i think that you will enjoy it. i shared with our guest about the poll that i put up. She made a very good argument for her beliefs. i was so happy she came on!

@sinbach sometimes we think of the big fine, more like the virus )))

@sinbach Well, If it offends our weak brother then yes but I don't feel we need to.


I believe this is a bigger issue than face masks. Why are we only following a certain group of "experts?" mandates
for our country and world when we have seen and heard many other doctors that disagree with them? And media and the chosen "experts?" try to silence these alternative voices. I'm concerned that we're being conditioned to accept loosing our rights and freedoms. And maybe the truth about this is really not being revealed? My trust has to be in God not man! Faith over fear!

@sinbach If they say they are christian it means they believe in Jesus. Jesus healed the sick and diseased. Why should I fear a worldly disease if I truly believe in the healing power of Jesus?

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