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@bethany thanks Bethany. Never thought we'd have a DJ in the house...and now we have two 😂

@bethany have you got Konnect Radio on in your church office yet? 😊

you'll be able to say you know two of the DJs soon...not something I thought I'd ever say!!

Andy B

PS this morning, during the breakfast show, they changed what they were doing to create an opportunity for folk to ask for prayer from Konnect Radio and Agape - to do with rising energy was lovely

We don't have pictures (this one is a representative picture from open source)
Few dozens decided to fulfill the commandment, fully knowing the consequences. Social ostracism and harassment from community and family members are normal. Yet they are willing to take up their cross and follow Jesus.
is transforming because God is on the move!

missed our interview on Konnect Radio this morning, on the breakfast show?

you can enjoy it right here

Andy B

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @MaryMamuzich

@bethany with you there...not a fan of the warmer weather!

For the nation's poorest I'm hoping for a super warm winter though 🙁

@bethany it was almost jacket weather this morning on my regular cycle to the sea

yes, a definite change in the air in the more ways than one...

Andy B

We're a bit excited about this - you may be able to tell!

But Jo and I are on air, LIVE, on the Konnect Radio breakfast show - tomorrow morning - around 0830 with Gareth Cottrell.

We'd love you to listen in, if you can, as we talk about our brand new radio show that starts this coming Sunday, called Family Focus.

Andy B

@bethany great view

Reminds me of the themetune to the children's TV show - Rainbow, with George and Zippy and Bungle......."up above the streets and houses...."

Andy B

S05E003, Do Your Part! Andy B 2 Minute Video

During the Second World War there were posters with “Do Your Part” These were more commonly used by the US to seek to inspire American women to get involved in the war effort, from the Home Front – working in machine shops, factories, farms and wherever they were needed. They didn’t go to fight, but they did support those doing so.

During COVID we saw similar campaigns with slogans like Do Your Part, Stay Apart – designed to get us to keep a certain distance from each other.

In both situations the slogan was used to seek to inspire people into doing something about the situation they were surrounded by – on the Home Front.

With an 80% rise in gas and electric costs here in the UK, and much of Europe struggling with rising costs that people have no hope of ever meeting, we see terror and fear around us as people face a very dark and grim winter. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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S05E007, Under Maintenance, Endurance

On this episode, we explain the concept of spiritual maintenance.

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!

Go Deeper
For GoDeeper this week Steven starts us off by pointing out all the maintenance that athletes must do before they can actually exercise, such as warm-ups, cool-downs, and stretching.

He then points out that as Christians we also need some maintenance, so that we function at our best for what God has called us to. Plus, he explains the difference between growth and maintenance.

Steven draws our attention to an interesting verse in James 1 and goes on to give us an analogy for how to maintain our faith using the process of learning to play an instrument.

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Wednesday AM - 0830, Jo and I are on the Konnect Radio breakfast show, with Gareth Cottrell, to talk about our new radio show - Family Focus

Friday AM - 0800-0900 I'm on the Big Fat Quiz again, on the breakfast show. Last week was, I'm told by multiple sources, hilarious fun.

Sunday 1600-1800...Jo and I launch our radio show on Konnect Radio, for everyone aged 8 to 88 or 888

Listen in smart speaker, android or apple app, or via the Konnect Radio Website

Andy B


S02E007, Psalm 7, Family Prayer Time

Peter & JoJo continue to encourage us to pray as a family by reading aloud from the Psalms. This time, Pete and Jo read the whole of Psalm 7.

This is another Psalm from King David and this time he is asking God for justice and to judge those who are causing him problems. David shows his confidence in a God who is wise and perfect in his judgments and declares truths about God’s character, noting God is righteous.

David reminds us of the difference between the wicked and the righteous and makes the point in verse 11 that:

God is an honest judge. He is angry with the wicked every day.

Join Peter and JoJo in honest and open prayer – it will do you good!

Peter and Jo Jo

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Wow!! 22 years as a Full-time Missionary Evangelist!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥Wow.....Thank you Father God for such an awesome me to remain excited and Faithful, In Jesus name!

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