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You need to add the @ or he likely won't spot it...

When you type that @ symbol, and start typing his name, you'll get a list pop up and you can simply select the correct one

I deployed with the army as a DOD civilian in 1996 as a part of a peacekeeping mission. I was a real estate negotiator for properties needed belonging to civilians. One of my translators was a young Bosnian, Nermin. We became close friends while we served together, although at one point he reported me for my Christian witness. He spoke Russian, German, English and his native tongue. I recently found him through Facebook in Berlin as an international attorney. He shared how depressed he was. His wife and child were killed in an accident on the road to Sarajevo a few years back and he has not healed. He spoke of wanting to work in the US. I have invited him to come to my home and we are working on a visa. A few weeks ago after a trip to Ukraine he contracted COVID even though vaccinated twice and was hospitalized for 10 days. Sunday past he returned to the hospital again having breathing issues. Please join me in praying for his healing.

Have you ever thought, what a great opportunity Christmas is for saving souls? Not by fancy debate or sermons, but by the power of your testimony.

@davereimer they said I'm 21 years younget than that this would usually begin

@Olamide plan B for the UK Is, apparently, vaccine passports

From what I'm seeing/reading, people are less than likely to comply with more controls on their life

@tanjaostman yes. First time, I tried scratching my skin was pretty unpleasant.

Spanish doctor said it was pretty common. Gave me tablets, cream and an injection (and it was a shock to have to pay him for his time...something of a cultureshock for this Englishman)

My British doctor, when I got home, had heard of it, thankfully - just means I need to cover, especially, my upper back and shoulders and I've not had a problem since then

@tanjaostman you can keep your beach. I'll have the snow 🙂

I have an allergy to the sun (discovered while in southern Spain, known as the sunny was suggested I should try and stay out the sun while the various medicine I was given had time to work!)

Lol - Jo bought me a card to cheer me up as I was limited to our room during the day

We had it translated (it was all Spanish) when we got home

It was a picture of a lovely dog, with a rose in its mouth

The words actually said "with sympathy on the death" (didn't trandalte very well)

We still chuckle about it

@tanjaostman looks very pretty with the snow though. Peter would be over the moon with joy if he woke up to that!!

I went on a school exchange in France. And my pen pal's family just happened to live in a home on the Pyrenees. I woke up to more snow than I've ever experienced and it was amazing - we were snowed in, so went mountain biking in the snow, which I still rememmby fondly, 30 years on!

All my school peers were miserable with snow and cold. I was cock a hoop 🙂 and totally in my element

@tanjaostman Manchester (pronounced Manchestoh lol)

A happy place for me - and somewhere you can buy pudding, chips and gravy (suet pastry steak and kidney pie 🙂 and gravy that adds to the experience)

Yes houses aren't kverly well built for the cold

We run out home at 17-18 degrees. Some people have asked for us to put the heating's a healthy Temperature :-) so we suggest a cup of tea, of to keep their coats on lol

@tanjaostman us British have houses designed for mediocre weather... they have to cope with lots of conditions, that are generally mild...

We like cold weather, as a family, but houses over here just aren't designed for lots of very cold weather, or very hot weather either

Morning DingDash family

Sitting in a hotel room - our first night away from our home, for 2 years! Although our reason for being here is all business (not actual business, but this also isnt all pleasure either) a change is as good as a rest !

Am feeling less groggy each morning, and its only day 3 since I started the regiment of pills I'm now on

I do, actually, think I'm beginning to adjust to what they're doing and how they make me feel

I've got another 11 days doing as little as physically possible, and ensuring l do all I can not to raise my heart rate

I also never thought when I saw my grand parents with their pill dispensers trays, that id be looking at getting one, in my mid 40s

But, as my lovely wife keeps reminding me, let's keep hoping this is just temporary as thrbeictors hope it to be - until I can be seen by a specialist for heart arythmia

I'm hoping... anyway, morning family

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