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"Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.' " -John 14:6 🔑⛲➡️✝️👨‍👧‍👦

Is God with you?

I was a reading a post by a good friend this morning – Alan – over on his blog, Devotional Treasures. He titled it “The folly of doing it your way“. As is his usual approach, there was a scripture at the beginning, which I read, and then he took some time to bring the scripture to life in his ever unique style.

It was taken from the Old Testament (Numbers 14:40-45 NASB), but is still a fairly familiar piece of scripture. I’m not gonna give a summary of it here. Read the scripture for yourself, or, even better, go read Alan’s post!

Anyway, the last half of one verse really jumped out at me this morning:

"Do not go up, or you will be struck down before your enemies, for the Lord is not among you."

Read the rest of this post on our website -->

Andy B


The word of God is not chained.

II Timothy 2:9 NKJV

@tanjaostman it would depend what it was built with, and where it was built

granted i'm no expert on this lol but i'd refer to them as follows

a decked area would have timber underfoot

a terrace would be raised and not flush with the ground floor

a balcony would be first floor or higher

a patio would be ground level, but probably slabs or concrete

to be honest, sitting area works for me 😂

i'm so glad English is such a simple language

@DevotionalTreasures you'll be fine

You're both equally awesome and equally humble

One balances out the other one 😊

Andy B

@davereimer I know where we live, and I was still surprised by the sea gulls lol, 60 Second Update, Issue 2

60 Seconds is all it takes to make sure you've not missed out on any of our posts, videos and resources. (This is more of a 60-is second update...well, it has been a while 😜 )

Little Blessings Online
We're making some really exciting changes to Little Blessings Online, with the introduction of Toilet Roll Tales, to help Dave the Dog out, who will, of course, be back for more Story Time with Dave the Dog.

Endurance will be back - if you want some encouragement in your walk with God, check back soon for more enduring words.

Marriage Matters
After a rather unintended pause, well be back with more episodes of Marriage Matters, starting with our 25th Wedding Anniversary, Special Celebration.

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Andy B 2 Minute Video, Beard Growth, Mess and...Growth! S4, E26

It’s been a while since a couple of things happened.

The first is Andy seeing his own face, without a beard.

The second is filming any new material for the BerryBunch.

With a house move completed successfully, and the BerryBunch Studio, Mk. 3 up and running, and Andy was stroking his beard and pondering how he had arrived at a place where he could actually stroke his own beard!!

Growth can be messy, just like growing a beard. But without the mess, it’s hard to really grow.

Just a thought…

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

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keep forgetting we properly live on the coast now. just been for a cycle with Jo (on lovely, perfectly smooth roads no less!!!).

4 1/2 miles and we're at the coast, with the sound of seagulls overhead

need a shower and some food though now. the electric garage door is definitely a bonus when you're coming up the drive though.

and so nice to be on our road bikes again...we've loved mountain biking, but also really missed our lovely road bikes

Andy B

@MaryMamuzich Nathan has been thr most grateful so far - he's the most involved in setting things up in th studio

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