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Marriage Matters, Season 1, Episode 5 taster

It's been a while since we last filmed, or published an Episode of Marriage Matters. Well, we're back!

This week we look at "In Sickness and Health", and share a couple of times that sickness part has been put to the test!

Andy and Jo

@TakeN now that was a good walk. Memory buildings moments 🙂

Our First Testimony Tuesday post – My Story in 100 Words, by Jo

I've written, edited, and scheduled our first post.

This is an exciting new, and regular, output for us, and we have Nicola to thank for her own post which she titled on her blog, EagleSight.

There's enough dark and depressing stuff around in the world. So, let's lift a load off someone's shoulders and share what God has been doing in our lives.

Let's lift the veil of sadness, and see the sun in all it's glory, and the Son in all His Glory!

Read more on our website -->

@Cherishingsparrows2020 if you want to share a testimony, please feel free - I'll post one every Tuesday on our website and blog / facebook / instagagram (or more if we get more coming in)

@Cherishingsparrows2020 doesn't He just

We'll be doing a weekly post sharing God's goodness 🙂


I saw a post by Nicola over on her blog - EagleSight - which is a great blog I highly recommend.

Anyway, she wrote a post earlier and floated the idea of . It went down with a treat, and I loved the idea, so we'll be doing our own right here on the blog.

Testimonies are so powerful because they are truths from our life. I love reading them, and look forward to reading many more.

So, as a little bit of a taster for this new, regular, feature, here's an extra testimony (actually two today)...on a Thursday...which still starts with a "T". So, it's nearly the same...

Read the rest over on our website -->

Andy B

Pray for Ukraine! I received this message from Pastor Sasha, near Kiev...

Hi Todd !
As from today , Ukraine will be going perhaps through the most dangerous 10-14 days with regard to full size war with Russia. Today Russia and Belarus began in Belarus (only 100 miles up north from Kiev) military maneuvers with a huge army (around 130.000 soldiers)

With this we also see absolutely crazy propaganda within Russia to prepare their general public for a full size war.

Also Russia makes every day more and more crazy demands to Ukraine and West, to deescalate this situation (like we / Ukraine now has to send back to the west all weapons that we got last couple of weeks)
Overall it’s a spooky feeling !
BUT - there is no panic here as for today ! We keep standing and believing God for protection!
Please remember Ukraine even more so in your prayers these next 10 days!

Thanks for being there for us !

A beautiful view from our lounge window.

The day has begun, and the is very much up and busy today.

Jo's been at her office a good long while already. Washing is on the line. Dishwasher is on and the kitchen tidied. Fireplace is cleaned and refreshed for this evening.

The boys have all been beavering on their home ed for quite a while now too.

And, very excitingly for me, I recorded 4 X Andy B 2 Minute Videos last night in our new studio set up (SO much easier now!!!!!!!) and I'm super excited to edit them later - they'll be published from Monday next week. Which means we're properly back at it again 😊😎

The porridge I made is keeping me warm and set me up for a busy day. No cycling today not back up to daily trips out just yet!

Did I mention we're loving the new home?!? And having slave to breathe out 😌

Andy B

@bethany and that's a double sided log burner which I'd never seen before

We open the door at the far right and it heats the porch and upstairs too. If we don't open the door we start to's rather effective!

@bethany we need a newer one

That's just the 'bigger' ones from 2019

We've seen a whole lot more since then 😊

Idea is straight out of War Room (Kendrick Brothers).

@bethany very much so😎

Beyond blessed with the house God chose for us

I say chose because we literally couldn't get to view any others, in the tiny window we had available to view houses

This was it

But it was one we rather wanted!!

Agency told us they had no calls for interest, until after they'd acceot d our application m they only work one application a a time, so that was that

Seems God held back other people for us too

Beyond blessed!!!

A house where we can breathe out

Good morning peoples around the world.

Washing on the line and a s come load in the machine. The dishwasher is purring away. Got Jo a coffee in a flask for Jo to take with her, who is already beavering away in her office (with her lovely new team - honestly, that warms my heart!)

My 2nd mug of earl grey tea is in my hand, and poached eggs on toast are about to be happily consumed.

A cycle is planned for later for me, and some looking over the two books I've currently got underway.

The day is well and truly underway!

Andy B

Freedom Convoy 2022, here we come! Friends, God is up to something exciting in the nations right now! Curious what this Canadian Convoy has to do with God? Read this post to catch the insight God gave me about this trucker movement! It's going to be a ride to remember! 😎🙌 🚐🚚🚛🚜

Christians' ability to speak biblical truth is at risk in Finland due to an overly broad hate speech provision in Finnish law. In a stunning case, a Christian member of the Finnish parliament, Päivi Räsänen, has been charged by the Finnish prosecutor general with three counts of "ethnic agitation." Each count relates to Räsänen's respectful expression of her widely-held Christian beliefs.

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