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@Pablito it's beautiful stuff

It's made with lemon juice, sugar, butter and eggs.

We use it on toast but it was was the traditional topping for an English cream tea (clotted cream, a cup of tea, scones (you call them biscuits) and lemon curd)

You can substitute lemon juice for orange or like's quite popular over here 😊

@Berrybunchfamily great thanks! Just got back from a lovely family holiday so feeling rested ☺️☀️ 🏖

Not a bad day today!

Jo had a run with Peter, while I had cycleed: only 2 mins over my normal 9.5 mile route, so happy with that as I felt tired & didn't try much

Jo, and I, then, cycled together to the coast - and back - which was great, although the sun was a little warmer than we prefer at 12pm!!

Played Risk as a family, movie night over dinner, with home made, oven, chips with chicken thighs 😊

And I made a Victoria sandwich cake for dessert, with chocolate rather than the usual vanilla. Including chocolate flavoured icing, with dark chocolate sprinkles on top, and some raspberry jam.

Little bit of Foyles War to watch before we retire to bed, and a busy week ahead of us, with plenty of editing from a full day of filming on Saturday - which I've missed lots through our end of seasons break for the last month or so.

So, right now I'm a bit tired, but am also satisfied and happy with a lovely Family Focus together before Peter went off to bed.

Today has been a good day!

Andy B

Hey DingDash family!! How is everyone?? Crazy busy couple of months and I’ve not posted in soooo long!!

When all other lights go out

Let’s face it, life can be difficult and can throw us some low ballers or a curveball – something unexpected or deceptive that confuses, thwarts, or outwits us. Like a curveball in baseball which is difficult to hit or a low ball in rounders which is against the rules if below the knee, situations come at us, sometimes ‘out of the blue’ and it’s hard and it hurts.

On a global scale we have faced and are still facing the effects of Covid, nations are dealing with war and famine, communities are confronted by anti-social behaviour, violence, and crime and in our own homes we may also have to live with hostility, pain, and heartache for all kinds of reasons.

In the UK, like many countries, we are currently dealing with increased fuel costs, making travel to work, among other things, more expensive. And [READ MORE]


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@tymektt hey up chuck. How's it hanging?

(Dodgy English for 'Hello, how are you?) 🤣

Ior where I grew up our regional dialect was even stronger 😊

"How am ya cocker?" Which means the same thing - "how are you?'

Often followed by "fair to middlin" which means 'I am doing ok, thankyou, and have nothing to complain about and nothing especially good to celebrate so life is okay today'

Or "bostin" - 'I am doing very well, Thankyou'

Gotta love the Black Country...haven't been back for years, but my accent does come out sometimes

Andy B

@sinbach I've read more on the story and this looks as absolutelly intentional move... sorry to see this happening Eugene.

I'm being constantly reminded that we do not wrestle against flesh and body but against different nasty "poopers" [trying to tone down something I would like to say].

PTL for the Calvary.

Please pray. I just witnessed to a guy who's in a deep valley in this crazy life. Plz pray he surrenders his life to Jesus.

S04E097, Kindness doesn’t need to be costly! Andy B 2 Minute Video

Kindness doesn’t have to be something we reserve for special occasions. It doesn’t have to cost us everything we have either, but it will always cost us something.

At the time of writing there’s proof of the need for kindness in our world as a former South African satanist - of many years - recently became a Christian. Why? Because of an unprompted act of kindness from someone he didn’t know, that led Him straight to the face of Jesus Christ, and His love.

Yesterday evening I was doing some shopping. In front of me was a lady who was about to pay for her shopping, but she couldn’t afford a pack of biscuits as well, so she had hand them back to the cashier. And, with her shopping bill now low enough, she paid and started to leave. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 08.07.2022

Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil. Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones.

Proverbs 3 v 7-8

Andy B

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