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Marriage Matters, Work It Out, S01E015

In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo talk about work, whether both husband and wife work, whether one spouse stays at home or whether one or both spouses work away. Whatever your situation, whether usual or temporary, we need to consider how our work fits with our marriage – sort of work life balance but focusing on work spouse balance!

Andy and Jo affirm the importance of work but consider how work can have positive and negative effects on our marriages, noting how we can spend too much time at work, not switch off from work and not connect in with our spouse enough.

Andy, as usual, makes sense of it all with scripture verses:

1 Thessalonians 4:11
2 Thessalonians 3:10
Colossians 3:23
You could also check Proverbs 31 where there is some good stuff about working! [READ MORE]

Watch the video, Listen to the Audio, or Read the transcript -->

The BerryBunch

Another day is upon us here for the Berry Bunch.

I ordered our branded t-shirts (we had a miracle gift) on Thursday, so looking forward to those once they're ready. But, today, is our first day filming with our brand new fancy camera (another miracle gift) and extra studio lighting (another answer to prayer as I got a brand new set half price).

I've also found some really good logo stings. If you don't know what they are, I've added one here.


Andy B

Please pray for 'Mark' a nominal Christian, without Salvation experience. He is diagnosed with some stomach ailments.
Daughter, a strong believer and volunteer for a local network.

Easier said than done, but it was encouraging for me to read this.

Oh, my friend, I'm praying for you and your wife lots!

what happened after your parents said you had to leave your home?

Prayers welcome. My family and I are not feeling well. We've been hit by another round of Covid. Our first time was in November, 2020. This one is different, but also miserable.

Love this quote I came across today. Hope this blesses and encourage someone 🙏🏻

“You will see God’s hands in all areas of your life when you leave everything in God’s hands “

: A Slower Answer To Prayer, Part II

This is the second part of our two part series on God’s provision. Last week our prayer was answered before we prayed it. This time it took us a little while to be ready for a miracle, and so God could hear our prayer.

Have you got a testimony we can share of God at work today?

Andy B

Morning all, from an overcast UK.

Made Jo a flask of coffee for when she gets to work. And a second flask of soup for her lunch.

I've said goodbye to Jo for another day and the washing is on the line. Dishwasher ready for emptying and then I crack on with another day of editing.

God is good.

Andy B

God owns all things causes all things to work together for our good, and causes all things to work together for His glory.

S. Swartz

So many things to post today!

We've been back to our usual schedule and creating more resources that you can use in your situation, whether they inspire you, or you simply download them and use them as they are.

Sunday PLUS, Proverbs 2 starts from 5pm. It's via Zoom, with a link/password on our website.

Super friendly for families and all alike!! Featuring Andy B and Jo Jo, Peter and Dave the Dog as we delve into the wisdom that comes from the book of Proverbs.

The BerryBunch

‘…Like butter scraped over too much bread.’

How would you describe your feelings when you are feeling tired, out of salts, harassed or even stressed? When life has got you down, got the better of you, taken it out of you?

Can you relate to the J.R.R. Tolkien’s analogy in his book the Lord of the Rings given by one of the characters – Bilbo, the Hobbit – who has clearly had enough and appears quite warn out by life?

“I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.”

It is true that Bilbo at this point was over 100 years old and therefore these feelings of tiredness may have related, to some extent, to his age. However, the Bible tells us:

‘Even youths will become weak and tired, and young men will fall in exhaustion.’ (Isaiah 40:30) [READ MORE]

For the rest of this post visit our website -


Endurance, Adaptation not Justification, S04E08

This week we are discussing the idea of adapting to different situations without justifying sin.

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!

Andy B unravels this week’s theme with some examples of adapting well and adapting poorly.

He explains how witnessing to French people in German would not work, because they wouldn’t understand you.

Steven and Nathan talk about adapting to different situations. They discuss how to adapt our behaviour in a Godly way.

They talk about a couple of scenarios in which we adapt to different environments or audiences in a healthy way. [READ MORE)

Visit our website for the rest of this post -->

Steven and Nathan

Family Prayer Time - S01E009 - Architecture (France)

Peter & JoJo get together to encourage us, as always, to pray as a family. And they continue their series on using objects to help us stay focused in prayer.

This week, JoJo & Peter continue to inspire us into praying for different countries, nations, or places in the world by using, this time, architecture or buildings found in locations within countries.

Peter and JoJo encourage us to find replicas or photographs of architecture, buildings or constructions that are either infamous or simply located in a specific country to remind us of that country for which we want to pray.

With a photograph of the Eiffel Tower in front of them Peter and JoJo pray for France.

C’est la Vie!

For the rest of this post visit our website -

Andy B and the BerryBunch

Family Prayer Time - S01E010 - Ramadan


Peter & JoJo get together to encourage us, as always – to pray as a family. This time, as suggested by Darlene from DingDash, Peter and JoJo pray for people across the world who are partaking in Ramadan.

Ramadan is a religious time of fasting for a whole month, from dawn to sunset – for Muslims to devote time to their Religion. This year Ramadan started on 2nd April, and lasts 30 days.

Peter and JoJo pray for people practising Ramadan around the world who are devoting time for prayer and reflection to get closer to God.

It is good to take time to seek God and the bible tells us to:

‘Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.’ (Matthew 6:33)

For the rest of this post and some resources to help you pray visit our website -

The BerryBunch

I got to listen to Brother Yun this morning. Unfortunately his interpreter Brother Ren has fallen sick, so I wasn't able to send greetings to him from @sinbach I tried to talk to Yun in English, and a few phrases in German, but he seems to prefer Chinese. 😉 They found a stand in on a short notice, a Chinese woman with another Chinese dialect, who isn't fluent in Swedish (the language of the church I went to). So I suppose the preaching today wasn't as long and in depth as it could have been. But his message 'Jesus loves you' got through. The boy with the mask on, is a 16-year-old local Finn who speaks Chinese because he has lived for ten years in Western China (close to Qinghai Lake) where his father has worked with Bible translation. He has continued his work from Finland.

Happy 92nd birthday to this awesome mother of 8 who has the ability to wear so many hats to help, aid and comfort anyone within her reach!
Taking her shopping is a hoot! She's willing to try anything once and laughs so easily!
Mom, I love you beyond measure! I pray God gives you many more years of incredible health!

Marriage Matters, ‘Friend or Foe?’, S01E014

In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo talk about friends, whether they are friends of the wife, friends of the husband or both or whether they are friendships formed before or after marriage. And Andy and Jo consider how these friendships can affect our marriages for good or bad. The idea of Friend or Foe comes from wartime and so-called friends could turn out to be enemies of your marriage causing more harm than good, on the other hand a healthy friendship can enhance and strengthen a marriage.

The Take Away
Andy and Jo were surprised by how much is written about friendships in the bible and Jo could see how the bible shows the importance of healthy friendships.

Andy challenges us to consider our friendships in the light of scripture and to think about whether we have friendships that are detrimental to our marriage.

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