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Hey DingDash family!! How is everyone?? Crazy busy couple of months and I’ve not posted in soooo long!!

When all other lights go out

Let’s face it, life can be difficult and can throw us some low ballers or a curveball – something unexpected or deceptive that confuses, thwarts, or outwits us. Like a curveball in baseball which is difficult to hit or a low ball in rounders which is against the rules if below the knee, situations come at us, sometimes ‘out of the blue’ and it’s hard and it hurts.

On a global scale we have faced and are still facing the effects of Covid, nations are dealing with war and famine, communities are confronted by anti-social behaviour, violence, and crime and in our own homes we may also have to live with hostility, pain, and heartache for all kinds of reasons.

In the UK, like many countries, we are currently dealing with increased fuel costs, making travel to work, among other things, more expensive. And [READ MORE]


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@sinbach I've read more on the story and this looks as absolutelly intentional move... sorry to see this happening Eugene.

I'm being constantly reminded that we do not wrestle against flesh and body but against different nasty "poopers" [trying to tone down something I would like to say].

PTL for the Calvary.

Please pray. I just witnessed to a guy who's in a deep valley in this crazy life. Plz pray he surrenders his life to Jesus.

S04E097, Kindness doesn’t need to be costly! Andy B 2 Minute Video

Kindness doesn’t have to be something we reserve for special occasions. It doesn’t have to cost us everything we have either, but it will always cost us something.

At the time of writing there’s proof of the need for kindness in our world as a former South African satanist - of many years - recently became a Christian. Why? Because of an unprompted act of kindness from someone he didn’t know, that led Him straight to the face of Jesus Christ, and His love.

Yesterday evening I was doing some shopping. In front of me was a lady who was about to pay for her shopping, but she couldn’t afford a pack of biscuits as well, so she had hand them back to the cashier. And, with her shopping bill now low enough, she paid and started to leave. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 08.07.2022

Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil. Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones.

Proverbs 3 v 7-8

Andy B

Pray for a elderly woman who is a new neighbor of mine she is originally from Spain and has a thick accent. She is very lonely so I told her that when I’m lonely I take it to God and he helps me with it. I told her she could do that and he would help her! Her eyes filled with water and she said could I? I said yes.

S04E096, Headwinds, & Tailwinds, Failure and Success, Andy B 2 Minute Video

I was cycling the exact same route for several days in a row. However, the wind direction – and speed – changed each day. I went from having a tail wind on a stretch of road one day, to a head wind on the same section of road the next. I saw my average speed double with the wind behind me, and drop to half when it was against me. It was quite noticeable!

If we always help people with everything, they will struggle to learn how to do that for themselves. At the same time, we need to balance helping someone learn, with helping someone thrive. It takes time to let people learn, but it is so much rewarding for everybody when we let them – and resist that urge to just get the job done ourselves. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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The founder of Satanist church of South Africa encounters Jesus Christ! He mentions that he used to be in Christian ministry before becoming Satanist. Isn't it quite common that Westerners who are atheists or Satanists have grown up in church and are disappointed with Christianity/Christians?

"Small streams don't plan to be mighty rivers.
We simply move through life like water directed by God's mighty hand and He decides what we will become."

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 07.07.2022

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3 v 5

Andy B

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In America there is much talk of decisions be the Supreme Court. I see a rapid shift in the people towards Satan’s policy of kill, steal and destroy! As I look around in my neighborhood I am very disheartened to find those wanting to kill being many! Fortunately many are opposed to baby killing! Some favoring baby killing are Church goers! I do not believe their mind will change until God tells their heart it’s wrong.. conversation seems of little value! I am praying God touch them! .... the reality struck me that the Supreme Court is not in Washington DC.. it doesn’t change its mind according to political persuasion! It’s in Heaven .. only God can make things right!

When I see things like this, it reinforces my belief that we have lost some wonderful things as a society and they we could be so much better.

Not bad! 3 mins over my best, but very strong head winds today around my little loop!

Andy B

S04E094, Confusion, Panic and Peace, Andy B 2 Minute Video

I’ve always said that perception trumps reality. It doesn’t matter what the truth may be, if our projected image doesn’t back it up. And the bible tells us that we shall be known by our fruits – it’s the basic underlying principle that lifted up the widow who emptied her purse against the rich man who gave so much, but only a tiny portion of what he had.

As Christians it’s easy to think that we need to blend in to our surroundings, in order that we can maintain our witness, and maintain that opportunity to witness to others. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 05.07.2022

It’s easy to look good for others, but not so easy to do so for God: one has benefits now, and the other for eternity.
“To be a ring bearer is to be alone”. Just don’t base your success on the size of your friends list.
Andy B

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