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Hey up DingDash peoples 😁

Just over 40 minutes for my usual [nearly 10 mile] cycle

Considering I thought I was really tired and couldn't push much at all, that's nearly down to my best time! I thought I was barely moving...I felt like I was doing really rubbish!!

Funny how feelings can be so wrong...

Andy B

S05E019, Weather Forecasts and Wet Faces Part 1, Andy B 2 Minute Video

We rely on forecasts for so many things. From weather forecasts for planting crops to financial forecasting to know where our finances will be. Forecasting can cost ridiculous amounts of money for the most accurate types.

But, the thing about forecasts is, no matter how expertly they done, they can be utterly and tragically wrong!

We hear ‘the facts about…’, delivered in such a way that we know we shouldn’t question it. But, question it we should!

You see, no matter how good as the computer is - providing whatever forecast we want - it is only as good as the data is given – supplied by humans, and as good as the programming is, supplied by humans.

And we humans are oh so very fallible!

We hear terms like ‘The facts about evolution’ but, at best, it is simply a theory that has never been proven. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 28.09.2022

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.

Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Philippians 4 v 6

Andy B

It’s good to check in with God during the day, so take a brief pause every hour or so and reflect on this quote/image.

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S01E003, A Fishy Tale, Dave Unleashed

Dave the Dog is still unleashed, but don’t worry JoJo is still there to keep him out of trouble!

As always, he sports his new-ish, no expense spared, flashy, well decorated set.

Watch Dave the Dog in his own show as he continues to get to grips with what he is supposed to be doing with the help of JoJo on the side lines. And work out for yourselves whether he behaved himself or not!

Story Time with Dave the Dog

This week’s story involves a bloke named Jonah, a big fish, and a lot of water.

What do you think Dave thinks of that?

Well, Dave the Dog has a whale of a time!

Art Time

For art time, JoJo shows us how to make a fish using an old CD, but Dave thinks it looks like a chicken.

Dave the Dog

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S05E018, Toilet Seat Hinges, Andy B 2 Minute Video

While repairing the seat hinge on one of our toilets a couple of things occurred to me.

Well, to be honest 3 things occurred to me.

Firstly, that I needed to clean the toilet soon!

Secondly, that it’s worth remembering the next time I use a toilet in someone else’s home to check if they have a slow close toilet seat like we do - to avoid any embarrassing toilet loud crashes and potential breakages!

Thirdly, it’s really easy to know we have our feet planted exactly where we thought they were – right next to God. But, we can find ourselves turning our head, one tiny bit at a time until, eventually, we’re wondering where God is.

As ever, He is exactly where we last looked – right next to us. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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Andy B’s next book is coming soon!

Here’s the cover…well a small part of it anyway….any guesses what’s behind the rest?

We’re getting a bit excited about this next book. we hope you’re getting a little excited too!

As ever, it’ll be available as a paperback and a digital eBook, on Amazon (for Kindles and any other digital readers you have).

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 26.09.2022

Saying no to something means we can say yes to something else.

It also means somebody else gets a chance to say yes, too!

Andy B

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Well, he's home now. Possibly an infection, or something potentially serious with the blood flow from his heart to his stomach...still needs a little prayer as he waits in the appointment to check out this potential stomach issue.

Just found out a friend was discovered collapsed behind his till at work this morning

He's been taken to hospital for tests and an MRI.

Prayers would be welcome: they have two adopted children

Andy B

Apparently it’s National Daughters Day so I wanted to give a shout out to my little princess. This little girl has a genuine love for Jesus and heart for worship. She’s super sassy too 🤣. Moma is super proud of you baby girl! 💖


Hello my brother,

What do you think about your new PM? Is she going to help Italy?

When I read the news she is simply said to be 'far right'.

But I find that to be an unhelpful way to describe her - as the people who say that are very liberal.

Andy B

S02E009, Money Matters, Part 2, Marriage Matters

Andy B and Jo return to Money Matters in Marriage Matters this week – matters about Money that matters because Money matters in Marriage, just like matters about marriage matters!

Jo starts with reviewing Part 1 and highlights how finances have been a top reason for arguments in marriages and reminding us that there are around 2000 scripture verses relating to money – so must be important!

There were some muddled matters in this week’s Marriage Matters, but in the end Andy B delivered on some scriptures to help us:

- Hebrews 13:5-6
- Proverbs 23:4
- Luke 12:24

The Meaty Section

Andy and Jo chew through some difficult topics and try and make sense of it all.

and is just what we do! [READ MORE]

Andy and Jo

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S05E0010, Healthy Competition, Endurance

On this episode, we focus on the concept of Godly competition.

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!

Steven begins GoDeeper this week, by giving examples of competition in everyday life. He briefly reminisces over Queen Elizabeth’s entrance to the 2012 Olympic games.

Steven gives us one of his favourite accounts in Scripture, compares competitiveness to pride using an example from his own life, and warns against cheating. He also warns spectators against favouritism.

Ultimately, he challenges us all to be good sports. [READ MORE]

Steven & Nathan

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S02E009, Victorious Prayer, Family Prayer Time

Peter & JoJo continue to encourage us to pray as a family by reading aloud from the Psalms. This time, Peter and Jo read a select number of verses from Psalm 9 as a Prayer, reminding us of the validity and value of the words for today.

Peter tells us that this was a Psalm written by David after he was victorious and how David is showing his gratitude to God for this Victory.

JoJo reminds us of the importance of being thankful and praising God when things go well in our lives

So, Join Peter and JoJo in praising God -Praise the Lord with all your heart!

Peter and Jo Jo

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Busy day today!! But glad we were able to get some free far about 2 months or so of wood is good to go, with another amount to process sitting on our drive

Tired. Needing some dinner!

Andy B

Even with such a piffling layer of snow that morning ❄️, I was determined to get a decent photo. Any landscape shots were out of the question; the so-called 'snow' quite honestly left much to be desired. Being brutally honest, I should have to admit that the pathetic film of frozen liquid on the ground really more closely resembled sleet.

Nonetheless, as aforementioned, I was determined to find a way of seeing beauty in the weather's frankly pitiable attempt at snow 🌨️. So, I turned my attention toward details, searching for small clumps of the frozen sludge on fence posts and flowers 🌸🪵. I eventually located this leaf, which was still covered with the stuff. A trifling amount of creativity in post-editing saw the colours adjusted considerably to produce a more pleasing colour palette. 🎨
Feel free to share your pictures of snow (doubtless yours will contain a slightly greater amount of snow). ☃️

60 Second Update, Issue 28

60 Seconds is all it takes to make sure you've not missed out on any of our posts, videos and resources - or exciting events we've got coming up.

In Case You Missed It

Endurance – Mustn’t Grumble
Steven and Nathan explain to us why ‘mustn’t grumble’ is more than just a saying – it is a biblical principle that we need to follow.

Are you familiar with the account of the Israelites’ grumbling? If not, then you may want to watch this episode. The lesson to be learned from this Scripture might not be so comfortable, but it is very important.

Family Focus – on Konnect Radio

Exciting News!

Andy B and Jo launched their very own show on Konnect Radio called Family Focus. The Radio show started on 4th September and is on air every Sunday from 4 pm – 6pm. [READ MORE]

The BerryBunch

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