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Heavenly Father,

I thank You for every single person You have placed in my path throughout my life for your wonderful purposes.

Each of them taught me something.

Some have taught me to forgive, others to love, others to be careful, others to smile, others to cry and others to have courage.

Many have taught me how much progress I have already made and others how much there is still to work in my life.

I thank You, Father, because You have guided each person to enter my life for my good according to your purposes.

Some have remained close to me, others have taken other paths, and still others have recently entered my life.

Bless each of them. Bless all my friends. Bless all my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Father brings them the warmth of a Christian embrace from me.

In the name of Jesus.


Dear Brothers and Sisters of Ding Dash, I have an urgent prayer request for a dear friend of mine. His name is Alfonso and he is a believer. A few years ago he had a disease similar to leukemia, I don't remember the name of the disease, and, after a year and a half, thank God, it was in remission. This morning this dear friend of mine called to tell me that he is very sick again and is having blood transfusions again.

I ask you to pray for a complete healing. I ask you to also pray that he may feel the peace of God in his heart at this difficult time.

God bless you all. 🙏🙏🙏

When God speaks through an advertisement sticker on the side of the road in a small town in India...

Rock and roll baby!!

Anniversary gift for each other? A replacement thermos flask 😁😊😉

Living the dream on our 26th wedding anniversary 👌

Andy B

: God Saves

I lift up my eyes to the mountains – where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. (Psalm 121: 1-2)

I have heard that it’s good to open with a joke and I happen to have one!

I was struggling to know how to deal with a situation at work and I was reminded of the joke about the guy who asked God for help. Do you know the one I mean? Whether you’ve heard it before or not, let me share this joke:

A man goes swimming and gets pulled out to sea. A boat passes by him and the man is told to climb aboard but he says, “I have faith, God will save me.”

The Coast Guard arrives with a rescue helicopter and tells him to climb the ladder up, but he says, “I have faith, God will save me.”

The man is now getting tired but thankfully a dolphin swims under him and starts to carry him to shore, but the man pushes the dolphin away [READ MORE]


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Ministry, Priorities and God’s best, by @Olamide Dawson

Meet my very good friend Olamide Dawson, or Olli D to his friends. Ok, I call him that - I don't think anybody else does...

Anyway, Olli is a Missionary Pastor working in Nigeria, and my good friend. He loves Jesus and has much wisdom on how we should prioritise ministry life.

This short video is especially good fro anybody who is in full-time ministry. But, if you're not, it's just as appropriate for you too, because it will help you better support those who are.

Enjoy the delightful, and ever effervescent, and dulcet tones, of Olli D.

Andy B

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My own copies have now arrived (always take a bit longer for the author!!).

Look even better than I had hoped

Just a thought...

Have you bought your copy yet? Available on Amazon, as paperback or eBook.

47 chapters to get your brain going every day, as I connect the dots between ordinary life and everyday faith

Andy B

2 days (9th November) and we'll be celebrating 26 years of marriage.

I can't say it's all been bliss - it hasn't.

I can't say it's all been easy because God is at the centre. He is, but it hasn't been easy!

But, I can say that I'm looking forward to the next 26 years because we've gone places I'd never had dreamed of (although not really geographically...)

This time last year we were all very all as a family with COVID. So, our celebrations for 25 years were Jo monitoring my breathing in case she needed to call an ambulance!

But if that isn't a picture of true love in marriage, I don't know what is...

The foam heart she made for me for that day is the most precious item in my house (that she made from a left over sheet of thin foam - she had COVID too)

Andy B

Another great blog post by my good wife - Jo

Riddles in the dark

I am not sure if you are someone who enjoys riddles or not, but they are supposed to be fun and entertaining. Riddles describe things in a way that can be long winded, complicated, or confusing and the answer to these riddles are meant to be clever or funny.

You may or may not know that there were a number of riddles presented during an encounter the main character, Bilbo had with a strange, hobbit-like creature by the name of Gollum in ‘The Hobbit’. Bilbo found himself in a ‘tight spot’. It was not just because he was in the dark, in a cave, alone and lost, but because his life depended on winning a game of riddles, he was forced to play with this sinister Lord of the Rings character.

You will find the whole scene and all the riddles and answers in chapter 5 of ‘The Hobbit’ book by JRR Tolkien. And the same scene, although with some differences from the [READ MORE]


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S06001, Celebrating Progress, Endurance

For our first episode of season 6, we are focusing on celebrating progress in our spiritual and physical lives.

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!

Go Deeper
For GoDeeper this week, Steven encourages us to celebrate the progress that we make in our faith, as well as in exercise.

He challenges us to keep on making progress in our faith by practicing our giftings and skills. He also gives us a ‘how-not-to’ guide on progressing as a Christian from 2 Timothy.

In addition to all this, he points out that there are certain areas of our life where we will struggle with progress, but we should celebrate those little steps we make.

@StevenBerry and @TakeN

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S03E001, The Lord’s Prayer, Family Prayer Time

JoJo and Peter are back with a new series of Family Prayer Time and continue to encourage us, as always to pray as a family. In this new series, Jo and Peter are utilising the prayers found in the bible and what better way to start than with the Lord’s Prayer.

The Lord’s Prayer is taken from the book of Matthew in the bible and has been repeated word for word many times in Churches and homes across the globe for many years as a prayer, adding Amen.

JoJo encourages us to create our own prayers based on the Lord’s Prayer, noting that when Jesus was teaching his disciples how to pray, he said to pray like this, sharing his Prayer as a template.

Jo Jo and Peter

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6 tubs of carrot and ginger soup, ready for the freezer.

Total cost was about £4, plus the cooking time for two slow cookers.

Each tub will feed all five of us 😊

Andy B

S03E001, The Lord’s Prayer, Family Prayer Time

JoJo and Peter are back with a new series of Family Prayer Time and continue to encourage us, as always to pray as a family. In this new series, Jo and Peter are utilising the prayers found in the bible and what better way to start than with the Lord’s Prayer.

The Lord’s Prayer is taken from the book of Matthew in the bible and has been repeated word for word many times in Churches and homes across the globe for many years as a prayer, adding Amen.

JoJo encourages us to create our own prayers based on the Lord’s Prayer, noting that when Jesus was teaching his disciples how to pray, he said to pray like this, sharing his Prayer as a template.

Jo Jo and Peter

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S05E034, Watching and Actively Waiting, Andy B 2 Minute Video

Jesus will return one day. It states it in the clearest of terms at the end of the bible, but also all the way through the bible too. Jesus IS coming back, and there WILL be a judgment made of those who are going to heaven, and those who are going to hell. This may not be popular teaching, but it is true none the less.

But, how should we wait for His return?

Well, firstly, we have to realise that we can never know when Jesus is coming back. If anybody ever tells you’ve they’ve worked it out, they’re lying to you and themselves. Plain and simple – not even Jesus knew the time when He would return, so no human being can ever know!

Witnessing a conversation between some Christian bloggers I was saddened to see unpleasantness erupt around “works and salvation”. These religious words are usually used when one states that we can not [READ MORE]

Andy B

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S05E032, Weaker by the turn… Andy B 2 Minute Video

Our sensor bin gets used often and, as it gets used, the batteries eventually get tired and give up their efforts. We put in hew batteries, or freshly recharged batteries, and it becomes all spritely once more.

Are you struggling with feeling tired all the time? You’re serving God but never feel the benefit of His refreshing and recharging?

Then it’s quite possible you’re doing something either in your own strength or against God’s will for your life. Either way leaves you feeling tired, worn down and fed up.

God ALWAYS equips us for the work He asks us to carry out. He will never trick us into doing something and leave us fending for ourselves – that simply isn’t in God’s nature.

So, if you’re tired and run down go back to God and ask Him what His plans are for your life.

Just a thought...

Andy B

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S05E031, Springs, Bins and Sensors, Andy B 2 Minute Video

In our home we bought, quite a while ago, a battery operated sensor bin. Put simply, you wave your hand in front of the sensor, and the in lid opens for you. And, we love it!

Some friends had one and, once we’d used their sensor bin, we knew we wanted one too. However, as is often the way, the engineering to keep it at a lower price, was not as good as the idea.

Eventually, our bin broke. It was trying but no amount of fresh batteries could make it work again. It needed something more than a bit more energy and oomph!

I didn’t think there was anything unrepairable inside as we could hear the motor turning strongly, and the lid was opening a little bit. So I took it apart and, after a little bit of effort -over a couple of days (to allow superglue to dry properly) - it was working again. Albeit better than ever! [READ MORE]

Andy B

S05E032, Weaker by the turn… Andy B 2 Minute Video

Our sensor bin gets used often and, as it gets used, the batteries eventually get tired and give up their efforts. We put in hew batteries, or freshly recharged batteries, and it becomes all spritely once more.

Are you struggling with feeling tired all the time? You’re serving God but never feel the benefit of His refreshing and recharging?

Then it’s quite possible you’re doing something either in your own strength or against God’s will for your life. Either way leaves you feeling tired, worn down and fed up.

God ALWAYS equips us for the work He asks us to carry out. He will never trick us into doing something and leave us fending for ourselves – that simply isn’t in God’s nature.

So, if you’re tired and run down go back to God and ask Him what His plans are for your life.

Just a thought...

Andy B

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S05E030, Halloween – Good or Bad?!? Andy B 2 Minute Video

Halloween – is it a good thing or a bad thing to celebrate Halloween?

I’ve heard both sides of the argument!

I’ve listened to church ministers of the gospel who say we should celebrate it, because it is nothing to fear since we are Christians; putting on a Halloween celebration is good for the church to do as it shows how churches are still relevant for a modern world.

I’ve listened to church ministers of the gospel who say we should never celebrate it, because to do so is invite evil into our churches and into our lives.

So what do I think? What is the position of the Ministry – that reaches out to families all around the world?

Well, to be honest, we couldn’t do better than Canon J John, who wrote an article we also published – in full, with permission – on our own website. So, go read his article. It’s typically, [READ MORE]

Andy B

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We DO NOT celebrate Halloween, however I'm opening up to the idea of evangelizing the young children and parents in our neighborhood on this notoriously evil day.

These are our little missionaries giving out tracts from living waters!

YouTube just informed me that this video was removed from their platform because it is "misinformation." Apparently, reading letters from prisoners who share their experiences is "misinformation." I'm glad to join the ranks of the banned. I'm sure my YouTube days are numbered.

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