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Andy B 2 Minute Video, Cables, Hard Work and Doing It Right, S04E077

Every day is a learning day!

We saw some friends recently who gave us a TV they no longer needed. It’s bigger than the one we have, so we were really grateful for such a kind gift. And, at home, we have a universal flat screen stand – which we knew could handle the job of holding up the TV.

I don’t know about you but I’ve recently come to the conclusion that the something designed to be ‘universal’ really means it’s something that is designed to accommodate or fit anything other than the very thing you need to, which it is specifically should be able to fit. Because, unfortunately, the bracket that attaches to the back of the TV, actually completely covered over the back of the TV where all the sockets are placed! [READ MORE]

Andy B

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Andy B 2 Minute Video, Memory, Speed and Effort, S04E076

This is our first video with everything set to 'enabled' 🙂
- New Berry Bunch T-Shirts
- New Camera for filming
- New Logo Stings (mini video at the beginning and end)
- Videos via Vimeo (so no unexpected adverts popping up!)

It's just lovely seeing all of these things coming together for the first time from people God has used to resource our online ministry, where we couldn't resources it ourselves; God sent us gifts to buy these things instead!

It's an honour partnering with people we've never met, from all round the world, who have chosen to partner with us to help us do what we do better, for more people to enjoy and and be fed from and through - all for God's kingdom, and none of our own!!


Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 23.05.2022

Psalm 23 v 1
The LORD is my shepherd; I have all that I need.

Andy B

It’s good to check in with God during the day, so take a brief pause every hour or so and reflect on this quote/image.

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"If you think tough men are dangerous, wait till you see what weak men are capable of." - Jordan Peterson


someone wrote "Ottimi scatti" on our prayer this a good or bad thing? google suggests it's Italian?

i'm hoping it isn't rude!!

blessings brother and sister

Andy B and family

Family Prayer Time, Composers, S01E13

Peter & JoJo get together to encourage us, as always – to pray as a family. And they continue their series on using objects or photographs of objects, things or places to help us stay focused in prayer.

This week, JoJo & Peter continue to inspire us into praying for different countries, nations, or places in the world by using, this time, composers from different countries.

Peter and JoJo encourage us to find classical music, maybe on a CD and to pray for the country from which the composer was born. JoJo suggests we even listen to the music before we pray, or you can just hold the CD in front of you.

With a Beethoven CD and a photograph of an orchestra in front of them Peter and JoJo pray for Germany. How’s your knowledge of composers? Who would you pick for your country? What’s your favourite composer?

The BerryBunch

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We will be hosting this event at our house today. Your prayers for us would be greatly appreciated! We expect a large crowd. We want to see miracles of healing and deliverance; body, heart, and soul.
We will be missing the presence of @sinbach Maybe next time...

Surrendering to God means you don't have to surrender to the Devil!

Marriage Matters – Coming Up, 21.05.2022, Let’s Get Physical!

Watch the trailer for our next Podcast Episode and find out what’s coming up in our next episode of the Marriage Matters Podcast:

In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo do some straight talking about sex in marriage – ‘Let’s get physical’ – focusing on the good stuff and the benefits!

Andy and Jo affirm the importance of sex, discuss some of the pitfalls and share their ups and downs in their own marriage, pun intended!

Andy and Jo

@Berrybunchfamily amen . My daily prayer is let my eyes see what you see let my ears hear what you hear my hands be your hands .

Hey, People of encouraged! 😍
“You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness;
Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You
With the oil of gladness above Your companions.”
— Hebrews 1:9

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 19.05.2022

"Don't go to God with the list of To Do items you think He has failed to complete for you.

Be brave and ask Him for the To Do list He's got for you"

Andy B

Note to self:
Political corruption cannot stop the work of the Holy Spirit.

UK politicians are set to regulate home educating famikies like they do with sex offendors

Never thought I'd see that see sort of a comparison being made by academics and experts on this latest proposal to criminalise parenting.

Prayers are needed for the UK. A proposed piece of legislation would send normal mums and dads to prison, with no upper limit, if they fail to comply in anyway - a forced home education register

The people set to manage this? They won't be trained or have any knowledge in home education, and there will be no appeal process or accountability for their actions.

I'm trusting in Jesus, but this proposal makes me feel quite sick

Oh, it's all to keep children safe. My MP was almost giddy when he replied to my letter, so excited was he about this proposal.

Meanwhile a 16 year old child was physically assaulted, by a group of class mates - in school - while teachers did nothing. Her crime for the vigilante retribution? Saying there are only two genders.

Andy B

: A Miracle Home

This testimony is a miracle involving finding a new home, in really difficult situations and with limited time. Once again we saw God provide a miracle home for our family, just in time.

A Miracle Home

My family and I knew we would have to move out of the property we were renting. At the start of the tenancy, we were informed by the Estate Agency that the landlord wanted to take the property back to holiday letting.

Fortunately, I was headhunted for a new job which gave us the opportunity of moving out of this property before we were given the boot! Just one small detail we needed to find somewhere else to live! [READ MORE]


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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 17.05.2022

"God values our time more than anything else we can give up to Him. Because our time is governed by our heart, and our heart is what God treasures most of all."

Andy B

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