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Andy B 2 Minute Video, Holidays, Downtime and Service, S04E73

Holidays. From the south of France to Alaska, from Venezuela to New Zealand, people like holidays, and we all need downtime, one way or another, to help recharge those batteries so we can serve God better.

Do you see your holiday as time for you? Or do see holiday as an opportunity to give to God in a different way?

If you are able to enjoy some annual leave, remember that the skill and health that God gave you – that enables you to have a job – is the very reason you are entitled to some time away from that same job. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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@MaryMamuzich @Berrybunchfamily @Olamide @sinbach @bethany @tymektt @tanjaostman @Kruselady @Cherishingsparrows2020 Mary…you are the best cheer leader & an amazing encourager. May you feel how deep the Father’s love is for you. I want to be more like you. I honour you.💗

Frame 4,814............why are you so upset?

Oh the struggles of video editing - one single little frame didn't want to be rendered and exported...........................oh well, i've learned plenty of work arounds over the years - export up to frame 4,813, and then from 4, one should notice .

Investigation takes time, and I've got other stuff to do.

Problem fixed, and now I've sandwiched the two pieces together in a brand new file, and exported them happily.

Andy B

Everyone is sick in some way.
Everyone needs healing.
Everyone needs patience and grace.
Everyone is loved by God.
Not everyone believes it.

I truly love and appreciate the DingDash community so much.

@Berrybunchfamily @Olamide @sinbach @bethany @tymektt @tanjaostman @MaryMamuzich @Kruselady @Cherishingsparrows2020
It's my happy turn to reach through the internet and give all of my DD family a hug and joyfully praise God for the opportunity to walk with you all this side of eternity!
@sinbach, 2020 is the year I remember being blessed to discover Ding Dash!

@Berrybunchfamily Wow! 😭❤️
This trip was tough! Really tough.... great results... God did come through as usual....but it was tough!
Thank you again and again!!

@Olamide @sinbach @bethany @tymektt @tanjaostman @MaryMamuzich @Kruselady @Cherishingsparrows2020

I read this twice for errors....

"its been an bonkur so far 🙂" should read
"Its been an honour so far 🙂"

Been in the field...just returned home. Souls won...rural workers works started!
Thank you dear Andy for your Love and support!
Your care makes me rich..really got past millionaire status when I met You!!!

Since I joined DingDash I've had the privilege of meeting people from all round the world. We're made friends with people from Scotland, Poland, Finland, Nigeria the US, Canada and more places than I can think of right now - even Bradford, England 😉

I've been honoured to stand in prayer with new [to me] brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, mums and dads

Its been an bonkur so far 🙂

And then I get to meet someone like @Olamide who is now a best friend. We've never met, and yet we've shared so much of lifes ups and downs
Awesome doesn't come close!

And THAT is the [good] power of the internet; of social media; of DingDash; of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - bringing people together who otherwise wouldn't

Blessings y'all from our little corner of God's planet

@sinbach @bethany @tymektt @tanjaostman @MaryMamuzich @Kruselady @Cherishingsparrows2020 and so many more than I'd ever have room for here in 1,000 characters.

Am feeling especially blessed by my DingDash family today

Endurance, If you always do what you’ve always done… S04E010

This week we are discussing taking risks and getting out of your comfort zone.

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!

Andy B unpacks this week’s theme by first defining what we mean by the expression: “If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got.”

He further explains taking risks with examples of stepping out in faith from his own life.

Steven and Nathan discuss taking risks, especially in view of the remarkable exploits of Benaiah, a well-known character in the Bible.

They explain why not taking risks can be riskier than taking risks; being inside your comfort zone is often more dangerous than being outside your comfort zone.

Steven and Nathan

For the rest of this post -->

Family Prayer Time, Landmarks, S01E012

ing, this time, landmarks associated with a particular country.

Peter and JoJo encourage us to use photographs or pictures of landmarks located within a country to remind us of that country for which we want to pray.

With a photograph of the Dead Sea in front of them Peter and JoJo pray for Israel.


Jo Jo and Peter

For the rest of this post -->

lives are being transformed...
“I now understand the way I feel is okay. I was challenged to state where I stand in this relationship. I would tell younger couples always take time to get to know the individual that you choose to spend your life with.”

“I was just sitting there thinking how the Lord Jesus sent you to go through the book, Learning to Live with Fences. I just turned 18 last month-been hospitalized more than 10 times-6 times I attempted suicide and 4 times for unusual behavior-each admissions was 3 to 4 months. I felt depressed, hopeless, neglected by my parents, suicidal. You helped me to cope when you studied and counseled me doing a better job, better than the doctors & nurses themselves.”

“I haven’t been studying the Word. Now I study the Word more, I get more understanding & do a lot of praying & telling others about God.”

“I was so scared with COVID-19, but this is what I prayed for. It was so clear-I took what you taught us & help my friends in their conflicts.”

@moamfj I’m glad you made it through all of that. I also tried to kill myself and ended up with a bad head fracture. Thankfully God gave me my life back. I’m trying to stay close to Him now.

We went shopping today and didn't notice any panic in our city today. 😅 We live our lives as usual - what else could we do? But of course it's not fun to neighbor Russia, and the last two months Finns have been worried, and Russia, Ukraine, NATO, and our defense is the main topics on news every day. Some days I wake up with anxiety. Finland (and Sweden will probably follow suit) will apply for NATO membership, and Russia has made clear that it won't be without consequences. Our president Sauli Niinistö made a phone call to Mr Putin today. He is probably the head of a state who has talked to Putin the most. Putin didn't express any direct threat today, but said it will affect our relationship. (Finland has been a neutral buffer state between Russia and West ever since after WW2. When we join NATO those neutral days are gone, and we become an enemy). Please pray for Finland, and our president, who has a key position because of his relation with Putin! Niinistö and his wife are Christian.

Marriage Matters, ‘Work hard, play hard’, S01E016


In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo talk about holidays and resting, whether you go abroad, travel far and wide or have a staycation or whether you take time off to celebrate a special occasion or simply make the most of the Bank Holiday weekend. Whatever you do, wherever you go and whoever you go with, Andy and Jo ask what is your heart for these holidays, what are you doing it for and will your marriage benefit?

Andy and Jo affirm the importance of rest but interestingly this week they find no holidays or bible passages about holidays specifically in the bible, but they do find celebrations. And let’s face it Jesus’ first miracle is to change water into wine, so clearly God wants us to ‘let our hair down’!

The bible tells us to rest and gives many examples of celebrations

Andy and Jo

@TakeN this reminds me of you! A bright big heart in this dark world!

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