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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 07.07.2022

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3 v 5

Andy B

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In America there is much talk of decisions be the Supreme Court. I see a rapid shift in the people towards Satan’s policy of kill, steal and destroy! As I look around in my neighborhood I am very disheartened to find those wanting to kill being many! Fortunately many are opposed to baby killing! Some favoring baby killing are Church goers! I do not believe their mind will change until God tells their heart it’s wrong.. conversation seems of little value! I am praying God touch them! .... the reality struck me that the Supreme Court is not in Washington DC.. it doesn’t change its mind according to political persuasion! It’s in Heaven .. only God can make things right!

When I see things like this, it reinforces my belief that we have lost some wonderful things as a society and they we could be so much better.

Not bad! 3 mins over my best, but very strong head winds today around my little loop!

Andy B

S04E094, Confusion, Panic and Peace, Andy B 2 Minute Video

I’ve always said that perception trumps reality. It doesn’t matter what the truth may be, if our projected image doesn’t back it up. And the bible tells us that we shall be known by our fruits – it’s the basic underlying principle that lifted up the widow who emptied her purse against the rich man who gave so much, but only a tiny portion of what he had.

As Christians it’s easy to think that we need to blend in to our surroundings, in order that we can maintain our witness, and maintain that opportunity to witness to others. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 05.07.2022

It’s easy to look good for others, but not so easy to do so for God: one has benefits now, and the other for eternity.
“To be a ring bearer is to be alone”. Just don’t base your success on the size of your friends list.
Andy B

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This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
18 And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him. 19 For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them. And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. 20 So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to God!” 21 For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin,[e] so that we could be made right with God through Christ.

S04E093, When White Washing Isn’t White Washing, Andy B 2 Minute Video

Washing machine companies spend an eye watering amount of money on advertising. I cringe as I remember some of the adverts on TV in the 80s and 90s. But, not, perhaps for the reasons you may think. Although, saying that, some of those adverts truly dreadful.

Not all that long ago the BerryBunch ran a high street shop - we sold everything eco-friendly, including alternatives for washing detergents, until a recession forced our profitable business to have to close.

Washing detergent functions just like a bar of soap – it attracts dirt, before washing the combined solution down the drain. No matter how much you spend, your detergent behaves in the same basic way. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 04.07.2022

There’s so much written text around that it’s easy to undervalue reading the Bible too.

Ant, yet, the Bible is alive, and feeds us in a way nothing else ever could.

Andy B

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Happy Birthday to the United States of America. May you be born again in Spirit and in Truth!

Many men going fishing all of their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after.

Sunday PLUS now live on Facebook and YouTube - links on our website if you wanna join in, with Dave the Dog, Jo Jo and Andy B

Andy B

Sunday PLUS, 3rd July 2022...coming REALLY soon

Sunday PLUS will be happening REALLY soon. From 5pm (UK time).

We've revised the format a little bit from our last one, so that we will be LIVE, via Facebook and YouTube - so you can choose which one works best for you to get involved.

Not sure what Sunday PLUS is? Check out the page on our website.

We love doing Sunday PLUS, and it's gonna to continue for a long time yet, God willing. But, today will be our last LIVE broadcast - from the 1st Sunday of August, we'll be uploading the video in advance so we can have a bit more of a rest as a family on a Sunday, but so Sunday PLUS will still be ready and waiting for you to enjoy.

Andy, Jo and Dave the Dog

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1,000 posts on our website is pretty fab. But the numbers have taken me quite aback - we don't go looking. We simply do what we believe God is asking of us. However, sometimes, it's nice to know that people are watching what we do...

God is good!

Andy B

1,000 posts. We’re only just beginning!

This is your 1,000th post from the BerryBunch. And, well, we thought we should mark this in some way, so here we are!

On 19th April 2020 we published our very first post titled, simply, “First post of the blog”.

And, since then, we’ve grown from the odd video, to regular output including Sunday PLUS, Andy B 2 Minute Videos, Family Prayer Time, Marriage Matters, Endurance, Jo’s blog posts, Story Time with Dave the Dog and Little Blessings Online, books and more.

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The BerryBunch

I'm so happy that we got to travel by plane to the UK - you never know if they will will make it harder again to travel. It's so healthy for us who live in the European country with the least densely population to see other parts of the world, and especially western Europe's biggest city. We loved it and had so much fun. I'm so impressed with all polite and kind Brits that we have met. They live in a very crowded place, and are still patient with tourists. We happened to come during the biggest rail strike in 30 years, and made it anyway to @Berrybunchfamily and back by train. Now we're sitting on a train home, instead of a connection flight (due to delays in Heathrow). A great part of our journey has been about waiting, rescheduling, planning, and going from point A to B. My son googled that the average speed in London is 12 km/hrs for vehicles. That's slower than we cycle, so we rented Santander bikes a lot. They have 800 docking stations in London, and cost GBP 2 per 30 min.

and so starts another book...number 3 if you're keeping count.

book number 1 has been published - have you bought yourself a copy of it yet? either digital (eg Kindle) or paperback, from Amazon: "Broken Dreams, and Hope!"

book number 2 is awaiting a foreword and Nathan Berry's wonderful grammar checking skills. got a cover I like, so that is going well.

book number 3 now has all the text it needs, but requires some heavy editing...but that's the part I seem to do okay...started at 1180 pages, so made the book a bit bigger and am currently down to about 850 pages, now I've removed lots of line breaks from copying the text over lol...slight panic to start with! it won't be anywhere near that big when i've finished deleting everything that doesn't need to be there (from the transcripts of 20 episodes of Marriage Matters - of about 35 minutes each....oops, did I just give the topic away 😉 )

Andy B

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