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We took possession of our newly acquired farm ! As usual many regions are flooding and others are struggling with drought. @sinbach

Pray that the God of Issac will perform miracle for His chosen people.
The pictures are from open sources!

S04E090, T Cutting Out The Good, Andy B 2 Minute Video

Good things and bad things. They make up our lives! And it’s easy to want to forget about the bad things, especially those mistakes we made that we don’t want anybody else to ever know about.

We can accomplish, some of the time. But, there are some mistakes that are impossible to hide from others. And there is nothing we can ever hide away from God.

While it may seem like a great idea to cover over those dents and scratches from the bodywork of our lives, it may actually pay us to leave them as they are. Not all dents are bad! [READ MORE]

Andy B

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S04E089, Stress, Confusion and Clearing The Decks, Andy B 2 Minute Video

Stress can hit us in different ways. And one of the symptoms I’ve often experienced myself, or seen in others, is that of confusion.

You can be racing through life one moment and, the next, wonder you’ve just put the milk in the cupboard and the tea bags in the oven.

That, right there, is confusion, and too much stress can leave you in that situation.

As Christians we are absolutely not immune to the struggles of living in this world. However, we do have access to the creator and designer of this world, which means we can always ‘phone a friend’ for help.

If life is stressing you out, go grab a cup of tea, go for a walk, stand outside in nature and enjoy the sky or trees. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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S04E088, Road Closed Signs And The Beauty Beyond, Andy B 2 Minute Video

PS - this episode was filmed and then edited with @tanjaostman 's husband and son in our studio, so is a bit special 🙂

“Road Closed”.

It’s a simple sign in the UK.

It is a big, unmistakable sign – in red, with bold white letters. It means you can’t go any further in your car, without, essentially, permission - such as you live or work beyond it. But, to most people, it is the end of your journey along that road, because you are not allowed to proceed any further.

Near our home is a beautiful location, right on the coast. Steven runs to it. Jo and I cycle to it, often with Peter. We stand, we look, we listen, we breathe. It’s idyllic. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 28.06.2022

Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you.
He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
Psalm 55:22

Andy B

It's good to check in with God during the day, so take a brief pause every hour or so and reflect on this quote/image.

A wonderful weekend making new friends, well meeting old friends thanks to DingDash - with @tanjaostman, Johan, Edvin, @StevenBerry @TakeN , Peter Berry and Jo Berry

A lovely, and far too short, weekend

Andy B

The power of love for Jesus - An English family letting a Finnish family stay in their home and sleep in their beds. @daniel summed it's baffling, unless you know Jesus, and then it makes perfect sense.

What a truly fab time to meet DingDashers in person

Thanks to @Backtojerusalem and @sinbach and team for creating DingDash and making the world a much smaller place, and yet a much larger one too 😊

Andy B

Safe onward travels @tanjaostman and family

@Berrybunchfamily @tanjaostman @StevenBerry @TakeN The Holy Spirit really makes the love that we have for one another grow and overflow and this is a great example of that! Our love of Christ unites us in a way the world doesn’t understand. Kudos for the display of hospitality and a desire for fellowship when most people would only be focused on self gratification. Would love to meet you guys sometime in this life!

A wonderful weekend making new friends, well meeting old friends thanks to DingDash - with @tanjaostman, Johan, Edvin, @StevenBerry @TakeN , Peter Berry and Jo Berry

A lovely, and far too short, weekend

Andy B

Praise the Lord ! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful.

Psalm 147:1

Interesting. Who knew!!

So what are your favourite flowers then?

Andy B

@Berrybunchfamily @tanjaostman

It is good to meet brothers in Christ from various parts of the world. God bless you all. 👍😁

We're loving meeting and hosting @tanjaostman and family

From the digital world of DingDash to our home in the UK

And they're even lovelier a family than you think when you get to meet them in person!!

A short weekend is too short because the three of them are so enjoyable to be with.

Andy B

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