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Something of a day date earlier for Jo and I, with a flask of tea and a fresh made chocolate cookie for me, and a Bakewell Slice for Jo - while she has a couple of impromptu days off.

We're still taking a pause from our usual output to remember the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.

Normal output will resume on Thursday this week, except on Monday: Dave Unleashed will go out on one day later, on Tuesday instead, at 4pm.

Andy and Jo

If you missed our radio show today (Family Focus) you can listen again on the Konnect Radio website.

Last week's show will be up at some point...

Andy B

Brother Yun and BTJ are responding to the deadly floods in Pakistan. Aid is being hand delivered by BTJ missionaries on the scene.

More help is needed. Use the link below to learn what you can do.

Thoughts and prayers with the Royal Family and our nation as we grieve the loss of our gracious Queen Elizabeth. A lady who’s reflections often spoke of her love for the Lord. Rest in peace your Majesty. Thankyou for your service to our nation and for inspiring so many. 🙏🏻

Found this little chap (Or is it a chapette?) on our drive when we got home from our nightly walk around our village.

Andy B

: A New Video Editing Computer

I love how God cares for the specifics of our lives, and the level of attention to those seemingly small details is always something a bit more than just breath taking! And, sometimes miracles happen that we were waiting impatiently for. Sometimes, we may even have been waiting patiently. Not my greatest strength!

The BerryBunch is a video resource creating ministry. We’ve been doing what we do for around 2 years, but always on something of a shoe string budget – with plenty of repurposing going on off camera. We’ve been blessed with the ability to purchase, or replace, all sorts of bits and pieces that are needed for what we do. But, and despite much prayer, we were never able to replace the computer that we had been using. [READ MORE]

The BerryBunch

A New Video Editing Computer

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S05E009, Busy, Full or Just Right? Andy B 2 Minute Video

Are you too busy? Are you overdoing it?

In a world of 24/7 emails, it’s almost possible to never leave work – especially when we forget to turn our phones off at night (or the phone always switches on when it is charging…just sayin!!).

We all, instinctively, know that being too busy for too long is a bad thing and medical science backs that up: during World War II soldiers in the British Army fighting in the jungles of [then] Burma were dropping dead, for no apparent reason. It turns out that we really can’t actually just keep going without significant rest, because our bodies ultimately just switch off. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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S05E008, Healthy Humour, Endurance

On this episode, we explain the concept of spiritual maintenance.

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!

Go Deeper
For GoDeeper this week, Steven tackles the surprisingly difficult topic of healthy humour by first explaining how little humour is in the Bible.

He quotes a verse in Ecclesiastes, which says that there is a time to laugh, and he then points out that a quick Google search reveals numerous benefits to laughter.

Steven compares two examples from the Bible where people took the mickey and cautions us not to mock others. Plus, he touches on sarcasm and black humour.

@StevenBerry and @TakeN

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S02E008, Celebrating God’s Creation, Family Prayer Time

Peter & JoJo continue encouraging us to pray as a family by reading the Psalms together. This time, Peter and Jo read the whole of Psalm 8 as a prayer to God, reminding us of the relevance and power of these words for us today.

Peter tells us that this is another of King David’s Psalms and this time David talks of God’s amazing creation.

JoJo encourages us to read the whole Psalm as a family to remind ourselves of God’s awesome creation and suggest we go outside to read – in the countryside, local park or our own garden to really appreciate God’s beautiful creation.

So, join Peter and Jo in celebrating God’s Creation and be reminded by Psalm 8 that the most valuable creation is us!

Peter and Jo Jo

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 05.09.2022

“The world is shaking. The enemy is shouting, but God is still victorious! The sacrifice of Jesus on a cross is still won!”

Andy B

Well, the first radio show went well. we were happy with it and only saw a few tweaks for next week.

SO nervous just as we came toward 4pm...once the first song that we'd chosen started playing that helped and we eventually relaxed a bit as we went on.

So, onwards to our next show next week.

Andy B

S05E008, Endurance, Coming Up, 04.09.2022, Healthy Humour

What's coming up in our next Endurance Podcast?

On this episode, we explain the concept of spiritual maintenance.

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!

Join us for Endurance: Sundays from our new time of 2pm!
Steven and Nathan

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S02E007, The Power Of Love, Marriage Matters

As promised, after focusing last week on wives, in this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo look at how husbands need to love their wives – The Power of a Husband’s Love!

Andy B reads these scriptures to help us steer us in the right direction:

Ephesians 5:25, Colossians 3:19 and I Peter 3:7
It looks like the love the bible is talking about is selfless, sacrificial and unconditional and to be honest a high standard of love is expected from husbands

The Meaty Section
Andy and Jo chew through some difficult topics and try and make sense of it all.

and is just what we do!

Andy and Jo

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My little garden has had a hard season. It has gone through: snow, days of pouring rain, hail, wind, heat, moles,ants,moths and tiny black bugs!
I muscled my way through some pretty beat up thick skinned vegetables. The insides are sweet soft tender goodness that will nourish my husband and I through the winter.
I think we Christians probably look a lot like this little kohlrabi with it's tough skin from our enemy constantly hitting us with everything bad...BUT!! God will provide,protect and use us to complete His good will.
So, let us keep our attitude looking for the good in all things and ppl. Let's march on in the strength of Jesus Christ our Savior.
I continue to pray for all you beautiful DD ppl!! My family - my forever friends!

A stray splash of sunlight glows softly on the side of a pale red brick wall during a tranquil sunset one calm summer evening.

60 Second Update, Issue 26

60 Seconds is all it takes to make sure you've not missed out on any of our posts, videos and resources - or exciting events we've got coming up.

Coming Up
Konnect Radio Show – Family Focus

Andy B and Jo start a Brand-New show on Konnect Radio called Family Focus. The Radio show starts on 4th September and will air every Sunday from 4 pm – 6pm.

Dave the Dog Show – Dave unleashed!

It’s true – Dave the Dog has his very own show! And with the help of JoJo, Dave will provide fun for all the family! In the show there is Storytime and Art time and Dave, in his own inimitable way will lead us through! Dave is funny and can get side tracked, so JoJo will be there to stay on target!

The BerryBunch

nearly there with my next book...................

am currently tweaking the small little errors which are always spotted when you upload a manuscript!

God willing, it won't be too long

my foreword arrived from a dear friend.....

when @Olamide wrote the foreword for my first book I cried.

i asked another friend to write this one...and I cried again!

pretty excited about getting my second book out there

Andy B

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