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For all who are praying, my covid pneumonia is improving. I am still having signs it’s still there, and i can’t do much normal stuff yet, but it’s so much better than a couple weeks ago. Thank you.

So many have died this month from covid here in China. Please pray for families who are suffering the loss during the 1st Chinese New Years in 3 years where family is free to visit one another without lockdowns and quarantined and restrictions.

There is much pain in China this month. 😢😢😢

“I am getting desperately afraid of going to Heaven for I have had the vision of the shame I shall suffer as I get my first glimpse of the Lord Jesus; His majesty, power and marvellous love for me, who treated Him so meanly and shabbily on earth, and acted as though I did Him a favour in serving Him! No wonder God shall have to wipe away the tears off all faces, for we shall be broken-hearted when we see the depth of His love and the shallowness of ours.”
—Missionary Charles Thomas Studd

Planting seeds

2 months ago I had the privilege of working in India with one of my closest friends. We reached just over 6000 girls/young women with the gospel and the Dignity Project. Thinking about these precious women today and praying a mighty harvest will come from the seeds sown.

Cold winter weather in the Himalayas and Asian closed nations brings many urgent requests for help from our long-term, trusted, and fruitful CMM leaders at this time of year for blankets and coats, for orphans and Bible Students high up in the Himalayas. Pray and as the Lord leads give today.

"Esteemed U.K. cardiologist, Dr. Aseem Malhotra, has called on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to halt the rollout of the COVID-19 mRNA shots in light of the "ongoing unnecessary harm that is devastating individuals and families"
He spent nine months analyzing studies, and now he believes the program to inject people with a genetic experiment should be suspended immediately and has since joined a growing body of researchers, scientists and doctors who do not follow the mainstream COVID narrative
Malhotra reviewed the data with the chair of the British Medical Association (BMA). At the end of the conversation, the BMA chair commented, "I don't think anybody has critically appraised the data as well as you have. Most of these people are getting their information on the vaccine from the BBC”."

Day 5 of not being allowed to leave our home. I think about 70% of Beijing is probably on lockdown. But I hear grocery stores are being emptied wherever people are actually allowed out of their homes.

Beijing has 1800 new cases today and that’s huge for here. The days ahead will be interesting.

They come to our home each day to do covid test while on this lockdown. It feels surreal.

UPDATE: So their family is locked into their home for 7 days. Their door was sealed with paper border that can only be broken when the white hazmat suits show up to take a daily covid test.... So far our own family has not heard anything, so we are ok for the time being!

No sleep. Can't lay down because I cough so much. Staying home again today. Bronchitus sucks.Im going to.load up on quercetin. The steroids are hell.

The first realm of government God has bequeathed to man is self-governance. The most effective way to reform national government is through personal repentance and reformation.

Are you sick of corrupt, “elite,” pedophiles in government? Get your face out of porn! You are part of the problem!

Are you sick of money laundering snakes in Washington? Stop lying and stealing yourself!

Jesus said that those who are faithful with a little will be faithful with much and this who are unfaithful with a little will be unfaithful with much. (Luke 16:10).

America is not getting out of this mess without mass deliverance. We are like the man of the tombs who had a “legion” of demons. Those creeps need to be driven into pigs and cast into the sea. (Luke 8:26-37).

Clean out your own house. That is the only road to cleaning out the White House.

Our city in China is locking down many areas. Lock downs in China are harsh and direct. Our friends door has had alarms installed on it so that if they open their door to go out, it will ring and notify their community and police. This is quite common. So far our city has handled lock downs fairly well compared to other ones where massive food shortages occurred.
Please pray for:
- our family and our sons family who lives nearby
- the elderly - it brings back memories of the Great Starvation days where they suffered greatly
- Christians to use these hard days to share Gods love with each other and those who are not saved yet!

We are preparing and getting ready! With vision and purpose while living in China! God be Glorifed

" A miracle a day keeps the devil away !!!
True or not, we know it is not fun , if you 'Need miracles everyday!!!!

The authorities told us No!
We couldn't hear them, we were chatting with The Carpenter from Galilee. You know Him ?
Someone who is working all the time.
It seems it's in His Gene's!
We heard him say " My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.”

We are thankful to God for the miracles.
We are thankful to you for your prayers.
Thank you @sinbach for

Y’all please say a prayer for my son. He’s been sick for a month and is not getting better. He tested positive for rhinovirus and I think the post nasal drip is screwing up his belly (vomiting and diarrhea). He has had a cough for 4 straight weeks and today went to the urgent care for ear infections. I just want my baby boy to have some relief and I just don’t even know what to do for him anymore.

Just "confessed" to my sister that I am now a Christian and believe in Jesus. Quite a thiing.

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