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@sinbach Nothing is like the Swedish stubbornness. ;-) I’ve used a mask twice during the pandemic. Apart from that I worked full time and met 800kids/week.

Without mask.

COVID hit me (in the form as an ordinary influenza) January this year. Well,well.
Time will tell what this is.
Safe journey!

@sinbach well, the introduction is not near what I would see on FB. ;-)

@zephan The mixture of amazement that you are seeing the time and actions in Rev. in front of your eyes and frustration that the workers are few. :-) Thank you so much for the “spot on” reminder. 🙏🏻

@Williams_girl Thank you! It is needed!!
It is so saddening and also quite frustrating to see how people that even call themselves “christians” raise their kids to become confused and without a language for the most important matters in life.

I actually believe that we will se that outpouring in our generation-but I’m also quite sure that it won’t come without us preparing the soil. :-)

@MaryMamuzich thank you so much for your prayers! They were sooo timely! Nobody knew this, but just yesterday, my wife had to start using crutches to walk. Arthritis in her knees is now so bad that she can't walk without them. She has tried every drug, natural remedy, exercise, therapy, shoe, and even had minor surgery - but all to no avail. it looks like she will need to have both knees completely replaced.
And my youngest son....he is making the incredibly difficult decision of whether to go into military intelligence or a special warfare unit. he has already been selected by both, so now he has to choose. you have NO idea how much your prayers mean to us. thank you for standing in the trenches for our family.

Im sitting and watching "Carina" (Swedish talk show) where people are interviewed.

Suddenly people are sitting and talking about when they have met a Christian leader and are amazed that they are becoming so strangely emotional. “It was something with his hands when we shook hands!” “I was so strangely touched-I can’t describe it!”

Time after another it strikes me that I’m living in a country where people have no vocabulary for spiritual matters. We are so rich of money and stuff-and so terrible poor when it comes to matters of faith.

Tonight I’m not praying for revival (in an old fashioned way) -I’m praying for revival of the Truth. Please join me.

@tanjaostman big welcome @Emmur to DingDash! which church do you go to in Sweden? maybe our paths will cross some day.

@tanjaostman @tanjaostman Hohoo! Det kan behövas! Jag känner mig som Bambi på hal is! 😂

@tanjaostman @sinbach @VeritasDomain @Berrybunchfamily @zephan @bethany (I do hope I didn´t forget anyone!) THANK you! :-) We´re attending a tiny, quite traditional evangelical church in "Småland" (Sweden) nowadays - but God knows how much that church might change! :-D

One of my best friends in Sweden has come to DingDash! (We met in a Church when we lived in Stockholm) 🙌 ❤️ 😊 Welcome Emma! @Emmur She is a very seasoned Christian, and she has much wisdom and knowledge, and leadership experiences. She is a people person, who has been working for many years in public schools. When rubber meets the road...

Tacksam över allt gott Gud ger som gåvor-helt gratis!! //Grateful for all the good gifts God gives-totally free!! 🙌

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