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EU VP travels to see the construction of One World Religion Head Quarters and discusses the idea of a one world vaccine.

Prayer, in God's economy, is the heavy Artillery in our spiritual warfare.

"Artillery is a class of heavy military ranged weapons built to launch munitions far beyond the range and power of infantry firearms. Early artillery development focused on the ability to breach defensive walls and fortifications during sieges, and led to heavy, fairly immobile siege engines. As technology improved, lighter, more mobile field artillery cannons developed for battlefield use. This development continues today; modern self-propelled artillery vehicles are highly mobile weapons of great versatility generally providing the largest share of an army's total firepower."

Shall we not call for increasing prayer?? YES! We shall.

Thank you for sending us funds!
Thank you for taking the risk !
Thank you for standing with us!
Thank you for teaching us!
Thank you for the
Feedback from some sessions mentioned above.
3 families, only 1 set of spade and fork.
5 hectares of land, same tools grandparents used.

Strange and unbelievable stories!!!
The primary need is not 'more dollars ' for more ministry.
Breaking the curse of , cycle of paying .

Solid teaching in the Word of God, helping them to have a personal relationship with God.
The journey continues, thank you for your prayers.
(Representative pictures from open source)

@weavers4jesus Father, in the name of Jesus I ask you to help these children, protect them, break all chains and free them from all evil. Hide them in the shade of your wings and become a powerful refuge for them. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

@sinbach and to think when we have church here in good old USA, we have to quit after an hour, our lunch is cooking. We don't want it to burn. How sad I think we are in need of revival.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter Praying. My sister had that a few years ago. I will share with her so she can also pray.

Prayer S.O.S
One of our brothers is down with Dengue fever.
Please pray!

Couldn't get a hotel in Qatar, but this little spot is the perfect place to sleep tonight.
God always provides.

One party guest was struck and killed when an out-of-control truck which was part of a street 'take-over' crew crashed into a restaurant in the San Fernando valley area of Los Angeles.
Sad way to go -- at a Halloween party in a restaurant.
Who would think a car would come through the wall and destroy the party??


In light of your podcast with @bethany when I stumbled on this I thought of you

This is pretty distressing reading and very blunt - "Men will be absent from church by 2028 at the current rate" and the departure of men is, according to statistics anyway, "speeding up"

It states Mentioned that men are increasingly not applying to be priests/vicars/ministers etc

Church attendance in the UK has dropped by 50% since 1950, and "has become a place by women for women"

Also, that two thirds of the UK Christian populations do not attend a church.........

Those few quotes made me re-read them several times!

@sinbach so great! These people are serious. Yesterday I met an Iranian man (in our house church meeting in Sweden) who has been 40 yrs in Sweden. The only person he is in contact with in Iran is his Muslim mother, with whom he's got a tense relationship. He wanted us to pray for both her and him. His eyes teared up when I wanted to talk about Iran with him and what I have heard. For instance that these people are ready to die for Christ. He said that he's been into lukewarm Christian religion in Sweden which has led him away from the Lord, but lately he's wanted to take his faith more seriously.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter that definitely sounds like a more exciting week than mine!!! 😂😂. Preaching to the converted on the coffee front. They say our bodies are 60% water…. I reckon I’m 30% water 30% coffee!! lol

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter praying against any and all powers the Ol Serpent thinks he has against us - we are covered by the blood of the most Holy Lamb!!

This is apartheid, but I'm glad that it's not as strict as in Australia, Canada, France, Israel etc. But I wish we would have chosen the same path as the other Nordic countries.

"While it remains to be seen how widespread use of the pass will be, the types of establishments which could request the pass include: sports venues, gyms, swimming pools, theatres, museums and similar cultural spaces as well as bars, restaurants and nightclubs."

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