Children of our regional leaders are hoping to continue their education.
#Careerguidance #Counsel #funds
Missing you friends, how are you doing? @Kruselady @MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @richardafaherty @Olamide @Williams_girl @tanjaostman @daniel @bruster75
Goal of nanotechnology:
to connect with the internet; tiny technology to facilitate human-machine integration Dan. 2:41-43
Distribution: sprayed as an aerosol e.g. from a drone/plane/missile etc.
Inserted by doctors without consent—teeth, hip replacement surgery
Can penetrate human skin
Injectible, remotely operated/activated e.g. via SMART phone
Can self assemble in humans e.g. Pfizer C19 shot
Internet of nanothings—connect things to the internet
Internet of biothings—connect organisms to internet
Materials used: Silicone
Grapheme oxide
Heavy metals e.g. gold, silver, iron, magnesium, tungsten, chromium, sodium, lead, antimony, tin, aluminum
Hydrogel polymer e.g. PNP
Synthetic lipid/fat e.g. PEG, SM102
Accumulates in: brain, ovaries, fat tissues (can’t be easily flushed out of body)
Effects on body: death by mobile phone signal, cancer, massive inflammation, seizures, strokes, clots, heart attacks
Detox graphene oxide, heavy metals: cilantro, fiber, citrus, watermelon, green tea
That's quite similar to what one of our team members told us; when we asked about his Motorcycle tires.
In the second picture you can see the big cuts (actual picture) and holes. Some soul winners travel upto 300 kilometers / 186 miles every day. Some travel that on a weekly basis.
On one side people who are persecuting us on the other side a big crowd waiting for us, just as described in Mattew 9 : 35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Thank you #BTJ for the funds.
@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter I pray God reveal the direction & goals for this young lady!
She lost her chance to study Science and become a Doctor, when she corrected her Buddhist Teacher, who shared a distorted creation story to discredit the Bible.
#BTJ provided scholarship for her to study abroad, where she is doing a bridge course. Please pray for her higher studies.
@Olamide @MaryMamuzich Thank you for praying. she is continuing her studies.
Please pray for the family of the killed 12-year-old, the wounded and the school affected by today's school shooting in Finland! Finland is know for its well functioning society (therefore we use to top different lists) and school system. BUT we have had a couple of terrible school shootings. Guns are not as easily accessible here as in the USA. The streets are safe, and I feel safe as a woman, children go to and from school on their own, but there is a lot of domestic violence.
The thing about Finland is that there are a lot of people who aren't doing well at all even if the society looks good on the surface - I think things have worsened because of the pandemic and Russian-Ukraine war. We have a long border with Russia, and we have an ugly history with Russia. And media is fear and war mongering every day. Some people just snap. PEOPLE NEED JESUS!
A team to highlight the prayer needs of 10/40 Window Nations.