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A perfect trip when you get to see both a big city, the countryside and the sea. I love the sea! Thanks to @Berrybunchfamily we got to experience more than just London.

@Jorge 63 million! That number is almost unfathomable. Most nations don’t even have that many people! I wonder if those babies grow to mature adults in heaven. I would assume they do if learning happens. In that case they too would be praying for us! I imagine they would pray for us to carry forth this blessing of life to more generations to come into the world, to meet the Light and also that we would never forget the Lord’s faithfulness! So many have never stopped praying for fifty years and now their prayers are answered! I believe now the voice of the people in the US will speak life and the states will legislate laws in accordance with truth and life. And countries like South Korea that are on the brink of turning to the extreme left will now face reality and wake up before they get woke and abandon all hope. May the Lord’s name be praised!

Thank you from a farmer /Elder/Leader who almost gave up farming due to wildlife attacks to his paddy and lentil fields. Sometime ago @sinbach initiated few projects to help the leaders to establish small businesses. Some places the believers stopped migrating to big cities and other places they are able to sell products in the rural weekly markets. (Representative pictures).

We're loving meeting and hosting @tanjaostman and family

From the digital world of DingDash to our home in the UK

And they're even lovelier a family than you think when you get to meet them in person!!

A short weekend is too short because the three of them are so enjoyable to be with.

Andy B

I may be splitting hairs, and this may be controversial. But I am asking...
Why are Christians against abortion, the homo/trans agenda, and the other immoral issues that are at the forefront recently?
1) Is it because we fear God's judgment on America like Sodom and Gomorrah?


2) We actually care about the unborn, the gay/trans eternal souls?


3) some other reason?

Let's take a look at ourselves and ask our Father to reveal our motivations and attitudes. Perhaps we can make adjustments in our responses and actions?

@Jorge I thank the Lord for this decision .. however the heart of each person must repent and turn to God’s will for life! Those who hate God love death.

@sinbach I pray God will raise up many volunteers to aid the gospel message to reach hearts!

@MaryMamuzich I pray for the lord God to bring healing & normal growth to heron Jesus name.

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