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Prayer request. I have rented a small local theater to show a film hoping people will hear the alarm. The title is "Humanity's Last Stand". It's a documentary about a meteor identified by NASA heading for earth with an arrival date of April 13th 2029. I have titled the marquee, NASA METEOR=WORMWOOD? I am praying the regional area youth will come. This is totally free and is planned for September 23-25 2022. The possibility presented in this film is astounding. This film begs the question, What time is it?

Thanks so much for your prayers. God has provided a place for me, where I would have room to take my mother in. The funds/insurance are there so that I could take her home and have assisted care while I work from home.

My sister and niece and her husband just want to keep her in a care home, and eventually put her in one in another state, but Mom doesn’t want that, she wants to be with family, and I want to take her in. Please pray for a miracle for me, that God works it all out, and that she can stay with me.

There is so much grief in my heart. I am grieving the loss of my stepdad. I am grieving for what my mother is currently going through. All I want is to take her home and make a home for her.

I spent the past 4 days and nights with her at the care home, holding her as she grieved at night. I’ve an inside view now, and I don’t want her there. I sill believe she needs to be with family.

She is also starting to wonder if God has abandoned her, she’s lost her husband, dogs, and home all at once.

Please pray for a miracle, that God makes a way for her to be with me. She needs to be with family that loves her. I don’t want the hardest time of her life, at 80 years of age, to be compounded by her being in a carehome. Needing some miracles from God and a path forward.

Also please pray for protection from Covid, a nurse there just came down with Covid, don’t want the facility to be locked down to where she can’t see me, or for her to get Covid and they stop me from seeing her 😭💔

We are literally down to earth people 😂
The tools we provide sometimes contradict with spiritual warfare principles 🙄 (Ephesians- our weapons)!

In the leadership mentoring process; along with scriptures and food our rural associates receive tools like Spade and pickaxe to work with their own hands .

The simple way to provide food on their table.
Thank you @sinbach and team.

My little garden has had a hard season. It has gone through: snow, days of pouring rain, hail, wind, heat, moles,ants,moths and tiny black bugs!
I muscled my way through some pretty beat up thick skinned vegetables. The insides are sweet soft tender goodness that will nourish my husband and I through the winter.
I think we Christians probably look a lot like this little kohlrabi with it's tough skin from our enemy constantly hitting us with everything bad...BUT!! God will provide,protect and use us to complete His good will.
So, let us keep our attitude looking for the good in all things and ppl. Let's march on in the strength of Jesus Christ our Savior.
I continue to pray for all you beautiful DD ppl!! My family - my forever friends!

Progress in training location spite of hostile conditions.

Slow but steady ! Need Spiritual support to win the battle!

We don't have pictures (this one is a representative picture from open source)
Few dozens decided to fulfill the commandment, fully knowing the consequences. Social ostracism and harassment from community and family members are normal. Yet they are willing to take up their cross and follow Jesus.
is transforming because God is on the move!

Yes, it happened again! few obeyed the Word! Dove would have descended angels would have celebrated !
populating heaven with souls from challenging locations!

Thank you for your prayers.
@MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @Kruselady @andyharris @VeritasDomain @bethany @sinbach @messenjahofchrist

A friend is in trouble!!!
(representative picture)
A leader looking after orphans is facing severe challenges from coworkers! Enemy within is more dangerous than from those outside, isn't it?

The ministry of leading children to the Savior and meeting their needs may not be hindered.
The institution needs a miracle!

When volunteers provide Chicks to a Gospel worker living in a remote village or a city slum, the children must be thinking of Crow that provided Bread to Elijah ?

When volunteers provide Chicks to a Gospel worker living in a remote village or a city slum, the children must be thinking of Crow that provided Bread to Elijah ?

Touching lives in those places where 'one square meal' may be a weekly affair!

Since it was announced this morning, on air, I can now share this good news here too.🙂

Jo and I are launching a new Radio Show, on Konnect Radio - every Sunday from 4pm to 6pm, from 4th September.

We were approached a while ago and asked if we'd consider putting a new show together - for families.

After some prayer, and rearranging our own ministry schedule, we said yes.

You can hear us, LIVE, next Wednesday, from around 0830 (UK time), talking about the new show.

We've been bursting to say something for a while, but the cat is most definitely out of the bag now.

Not listening to Konnect Radio yet? Down load the app from Google or Amazon, or listen online through their website and via your smart speaker. You can listen from ANYWHERE in the world.

It's the first mixed music station in the UK, with the best of both Christian and secular music; it's always family friendly for all: we love Konnect, what they do and how they do it all for Jesus.

Andy B

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