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@sinbach thank you. I've missed you and your humor. I pray you & your family are doing well

I'm really missing my DD family! I've been busy loving & caring for my bestie, he is my everything. I haven't been on here but my prayers for all of you have not ceased.

Please pray for our granddaughter. She is 3 weeks old and has RSV and Bronchitis πŸ₯Ί.

Merry Christmas DD family!!
God Bless all of you!

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter after years of cleaning our public restrooms...I totally agree!!!

Please pray for the income generation / tent making project of a close friend and the ministry he is leading.

Many delays in the past 6 months. Government is keeping a close watch on their soul winning and discipleship programs. Some of their associates are behind bars.

@bethany a change in weather is so uplifting!! Glad you can dry out a bit!

@sinbach congratulations! My pray for you, is that like my daughter's hubby is not my "son-in-law" but my son!! I have 2 girls but God gave me a son -Best feeling ever!!

Waiting for the crow to arrive!!!
The funds for an urgent project is stuck in transit.
Please pray for instant release of funds.
@MaryMamuzich @Cherishingsparrows2020 @Kruselady @tanjaostman @richardafaherty @VeritasDomain

@faith20 praising God with you!! We all know nothing is impossible with God!

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