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For the DD Family and Friends, you can watch the wonderful animated PILGRIMS PROGRESS movie for free by going to this link:

When you register, there's a drop-down box where you can choose to view it in the language of your choice. It is put out by RevelationMedia. I pray that you will be blessed and edified! 🙏

Lord willing, it will be viewed in Bulgaria in the next few weeks.


Alan - challenge accepted

grabbed an Andy B 2 Minute Video while out cycling "Medication, Alarms and Ignoring God" although I forgot my microphone, and didn't remember to use the selfie stick I actually did bring along!

It is a little hard hitting! in a good way!!

goes live tomorrow at 6pm on YouTube/Wordpress/Podcast

Andy B

For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”
1 Peter 3:12


Hi Alan,

Love this devotional! Love the Gif!

Dear Lord, please help us to abide in You and stay constantly connected to the Vine, so that we never become like driftwood!
In Jesus' precious name I pray, AMEN.

A pastor from my discipleship school in CO has given a great definition of "abide": to refuse to depart. 🙏🙏🙏

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Tuck and Roll, Season 4, Episode 52

With life it often seems like we have just two choices to make - wrap ourselves in plastic bubble wrap to protect us from falls and pain. Or we can wear a crash helmet and keep charging on!

Actually, I think there is a third option – a little bit of bubble wrap, a crash helmet, and some time planning out what is in front of us.

There’s always gonna be stuff that knocks us for six! However, more frequently if we’d simply taken a pause before charging along, we could have spotted the issues, or busyness, and figured out a better plan or route!

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Look Back, But Don't Fall Over!, Season 4, Episode 51

It’s really healthy to look back at what we’ve accomplished. It’s good to remember what we’ve done, or how we tried to do something last time.

It’s great to reflect on where we’ve done amazing things, and even not so amazing things. It can even be healthy to remember the foolish things we did and managed to escape serious injury.

However, if we look back too long, we end up risking falling over. Because we’re still walking forwards at the time!

Just a thought…

Andy B

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

excerpt from

"400 Russian Baptist and Pentecostal church and seminary leaders went well beyond calling for prayers for peace in an open letter earlier this month entitled “Appeal to Compatriots”. The full text of the appeal, which was posted briefly on the website of a small Christian publishing company in St. Petersburg before being removed, apparently voluntarily, follows:


"Dear compatriots!

Our army is conducting full-scale military operations in another country, dropping bombs and rockets on the cities of our neighboring Ukraine. As believers, we assess what is happening as a grave sin of fratricide – the sin of Cain, who raised his hand against his brother Abel.".........

Here's the link for the article where you can read the full letter from the Russian pastors. (The letter is toward the end of the article): This is the website for Voice of the Martyrs Korea.

I'm grateful for this app. I can trust the news here. And hear things I can hear nowhere else.

I got a prayer request today originally from a Finnish brother (Risto) about the war in Ukraine. The following is my translation (and I've added those in parentheses):

"The Russian troops have started to deport Ukrainians to Russia from the areas they have conquered. This same thing happened also during the Finnish Winter War (against Sovietunion), when the Finnish warprisoners were deported to Siberia (into labour/concentration camps).
Only God can stop this. Let us pray that God will intervene and stop this, and also that only God's will will happen in the Ukranian war and not the will of the rulers of this world."

I found a link about how Ukrainians are being deported to Russia:

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