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Broken Dreams, and Hope! Now available on Amazon!!

A few reviews of the book we launched yesterday. So thrilled it is encouraging people!

“Small confession to make… I just finished reading your book! Finished in a day which is very unusual for me. A real page turner!”

“I read your book last night, it took a little over an hour. It was so good! Each chapter flowed into the next making it hard to put down.”

“Very good, Andy, I’m so very proud and honoured that I can hand this book out knowing I know this family.”

“Letting a person who doesn’t realize that pain and suffering is apart of this life and not something uncommon makes it easier knowing your not alone – life is indeed messy. “

“I love the way you spoke of hurt and abuse but never going into details that would have robbed the reader of their own inward pains and ability to take hold of the Lord’s extended hand – the hand that will never let go.“

Read more at -->

Andy B

Weekend Review (because Pastors also need a break from heavy theological reading!): The Modern 1992–2016

Got my first direct message review of my book released today. Somebody bought it and read it in a day, which is something they said they didn't usually do. So that's made my evening 🙂 They said it is a real page turner and encouraging. Awesome!

After a day when nothing felt like it was going smoothly, that has warmed my heart quite a bit

Andy B

Ukraine-Urgent Updates for Prayer NOW!
Pray unceasingly the Bible says! We need to be praying continually for our families, livelihoods, nation and many crises around the world.

Managed to publish my book today, Broken Dreams, and Hope!

1 minor error on the rear cover was picked up, so I'm still waiting for it to be published, but the eBook version is now available and I was super encouraged to see that selling already which made my day!

I've also had some lovely compliments from people who have already started reading it, and are loving it.

One good friend in the US has thought that they'd like to hold a number of the paperback versions with them - of my book (not something I thought I'd ever say) - to hand out to the homeless people she meets, with a bag of nuts, or raisins or similar.

And I've just finished the first edit of my next book, due out in May. 35,000 words, nearly 200 pages, of properly formatted and adapted writing, and made ready for a detailed edit from @TakeN who's proof reading skills are second to none!

Andy B

PS Should you want to buy the digital version here's the link

I’m excited to read the upcoming “Redeeming Our Thinking about : A -Centered Approach” By Vern Poythress

Disclaimer: DingDash does not now, or ever will in the future, use your posts to limit your ability to drive. The same, however, can not be said by other social media platforms 😂

A German MEP speaks up against Justin Trudeau in the EU parliament. "A prime minister who openly admires the Chinese dictatorship", she says.

"'God Called Me Here': YWAM Missionaries Share Why They Remain in Ukraine, Despite the Danger"

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
—James 1:12

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