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Bethany boosted

Please pray for Pakistan, many villages have been destroyed and wiped out from the surface of earth and many people and specially children died due to heavy flood. And it is still a lot of rain.

Bethany boosted

At least one person was killed and several were injured Sunday in an attack on the inauguration of a Greek Orthodox church in Syria’s Hama Governorate. 😢

There are reports of one or two deaths from the attack, and as many as 12 wounded. 😢

Bethany boosted

"God may allow His servant to succeed when He has disciplined him to a point where he does not need to succeed to be happy. The man who is elated by success and cast down by failure is still a carnal man. At best his fruit has a worm in it.

God will allow His servant to succeed when he has learned that success does not make him dearer to God nor more valuable in the total scheme of things."
-- A.W. Tozer in Faith Dares to Fail

Bethany boosted

@bethany God planned a vibrant Church in China for these last days!!! As evil abounds I pray God’s love abound to guide, direct, strengthen & mature & anoint with His Holy Spirit , the believers in China, North Korea, Middle East, Africa, South Asia India, Columbia red zone , Southern Mexico , Mindanao, Cuba, & other Spiritual battle zones!

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

"For every time you look at yourself take ten looks at the cross and ten looks at Jesus."
Robert Murray M'Cheyne

Why does the underground church of China continue to grow? How did it survive through the harshest years of communism?
"They did not depend on a centralized structure. Any believer could plant a church, preach, and baptise others. In this way they could multiply in secret. Also, strong organisations are easy to target. You can destroy their buildings, freeze their assets and arrest their leaders, but a church that does not depend on buildings, bank accounts or a hand-full of leaders, is very hard to control."

Bethany boosted

so far 4,750,000 Ukrainian refugees had fled the war zone and entered Poland.
I'm speechless.

Bethany boosted

After more than 22 years on the mission field, I use this podcast to share the ONLY thing I have found to measure of success in the ministry....

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

Please don’t forget to pray for the orphans in China. Because of Covid no international adoptions are moving forward and there are many children waiting for parents and a loving home. 😰😰😰😰😰 they are on my hearts every day. Some little children even had parents arriving to be pick them up and bring them home.... when suddenly the China wall went up and no one could come in to pick them up anymore until Covid restrictions are lifted. Those children have been waiting ever since. Those parents are besides themselves waiting to come get them! Please pray the hearts can be turned soon to opening back up the roads for adoption. And that the people of God could also have moved hearts towards providing homes for children who have been abandoned and are suffering every day without a family.

Bethany boosted

Please pray for my mother and her husband, Dick and Roxane. They both went into the hospital today.

Dick is not at all well, he has liver failure and kidney failure and is very sick. He is swollen and jaundiced, blood count is a quarter of what it should be, and they are giving him blood right now.

Please pray for grace at work, as I try to take off work again for family emergency.

Please pray for a place for me to live closer to them, for God’s grace strength and help, and for salvation for both of them (they are both 80).

Thank you so much for praying.

Bethany boosted

Muslim father stabs daughter to death when he learns she had been to church and was following Jesus.
Would you be willing to die to be in church today?
Satan is growing violent because his time is short and he is desperate BUT JESUS IS COMING BACK.
we share more details in our latest article.

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

The world leader recognized at the top persecutor of Christians is surprising!
We share the findings of the most recent reports in our latest article

Bethany boosted

Please keep my elderly Mother who is 80 in your prayers. She is in the hospital for internal bleeding. She is also having pain and a lot of confusion. 😞🙏

Bethany boosted

Mudrunner is on big-time sale right now! (43% off on Amazon)

Grab your copy today to fuel your love for Jesus and fire you up for His mission to your neighbors and the nations!

Mudrunner: Advancing the Kingdom No Matter the People, the Place, or the Cost

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