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Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

@bethany I’m so grateful for His consistency, forgiveness, and perfect love.

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

I just have to say, I thought I already enjoyed the BTJ podcast, but my heart is being so deeply affected by the new series, Behind the Veil with @sinbach!
Jesus is so rich and so full of love! Askingfor Him to make Himself known here in central PA, USA!
Thankyou, Eugene and team. I love, love, love this podcast! My evening supper prep is a holy time!

It's finally starting to feel like we're reaching the end of a very hot summer here in the UK 🙌🏼

Bethany boosted

Wow!! 22 years as a Full-time Missionary Evangelist!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥Wow.....Thank you Father God for such an awesome me to remain excited and Faithful, In Jesus name!

Bethany boosted

I've been reading a great book called "I stand with Christ" by Zhang Rongliang and Eugene Bach. We bought it this summer in a small village in the middle of the forest, where a youth camp was held.

The most shocking thing for me in the book was how persecution led true believers to deny their faith in Christ and to uncover the names of their brothers and sisters. Zhang talks in the book about how only the true believers, who weren't able to keep their faith in secret (because Christ's light shined through them) were the onlyone's who were put in prison. The lukewarms never even got that far. But out of these 30 believers only 4 came out of prison without having denied Christ! The persecution was so heavy. I'm thinking, how was it possible for these 4 to remain in their faith when the others didn't?? Is there something we as believers can and should do today so that when persecution comes, we would be those who stands with Christ? 🙏

Bethany boosted

"God’s mercy is so great that you may sooner drain the sea of its water or deprive the sun of its light then diminish the great mercy of God."

Bethany boosted

My stepdad has taken a turn for the worse, please pray for him. Nurse said he is having excessive tremors and it’s not looking good. Infection is moving about in his body. I am waiting on a call back from the doctor. 😭

He is not a Christian, please pray for him!

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

"Tyranny grows slowly and asks us to retreat in comparatively tiny steps. - Jordan Peterson.

Bethany boosted

Pray for Forge Ambassador teams working inside Somalia!!

With some news research you’ll discover that Al shabaab has initiated horrific attacks. Bombing and intense fighting has been going on for nearly two days.

Forge ambassadors are saying “We have not slept but are hiding out. We have peace that if we die then heaven awaits us. But we are burdened to the point of no sleep for our people. There is aggression and hate, the loss of innocent civilians, no peace in the people’s hearts, and no true belief. We are burdened with the darkness that covers this whole land, the relentlessness of satan repelling anything good.”

Support God’s work through everyday kingdom laborers in places of great needs:

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

Over 70 kids and 50 adults came to our outreach in northern Thailand next to a massive Buddhist temple Saturday. Many received Christ but most importantly we began our process of planting house churches, baptizing them
And helping them to understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ. What a huge day! In this part of the world, those are huge numbers to come out to hear about Jesus. The area is very resistant and closed to these things but we are seeing the seeds of revival. Praise God. 21 churches planted. Over 300 former Buddhist coming to Christ. Bible school planting here and our school of missions to send Asians to Asian nations and the Middle East (also part of of Asia) where we will send them after they finish our training. Amazing times we are living in.

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