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Bethany boosted

I’ve been having serious pain in my lower stomach. Having CT scan on Monday. Appreciate your prayers.

Bethany boosted

I truly want to thank everyone for their kind birthday wishes.
And to all my friends in Poland who came together and prepared a surprise birthday party in Krakow (even with a KETO cake)? I feel overwhelmed, humbled, and undeserving.
Nothing but love to you all.
My heart is full!

Bethany boosted

@bethany I sit and see all your faces...and imagine you guys laughing... - I thus go to work to make it a reality!
I love my family,💕

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

This Sunday as you attend your home church, pls rejoice with us!
Another precious soul comes to Christ!

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

Important Public Announcement:

"Dear Ding Dash Family,
I was thinking about this for a long time,
I've checked and re-checked it in the Bible,
listened to sermons from both conservative and charismatic,
and now I'm sure
I'm not a Vegan anymore,
I eat meat."

witnessed by:
@sinbach , @Will & @tymektt

Bethany boosted

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter I will be happy to pray for this team of servants of our Lord. May God prepare the journeys of each servant. Soften the hearts to receive the gospel and gain amazing friends.

Bethany boosted

Just received these two pictures from the BTJ food distribution in Afghanistan.

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

'Sharia Law and women's rights cannot co-exist' is politically incorrect to say, but this....? Is this a real argument?
This Palestinian Minister of women's affairs reminds of us all of why the love of Christ is so much needed.

Bethany boosted

Such an amazing testimony this week!
A Christian fellowship in closed Muslim nation increases by 20% in ONE WEEK!

Found this in my phone. Can't remember who said it...

"Believer, Jesus loves each and every one of us equally, but He can only trust you in proportion to your obedience. It's one thing to say 'Jesus loves me'. It's another thing to say 'Jesus trusts me'.
You want to walk in His power? You want to be a mighty weapon in the hand of the Father with which He brings destruction to the kingdom of darkness? Then He has to be able to trust you."

Bethany boosted

One of the most amazing people I have ever met. It was an honor to help tell her story. You and you church will NOT want to miss Mariam Ibraheem when she tells her story.

Bethany boosted

Tomorrow Sunday, November 8th is The International Day of Prayer for Oppressed Christians. We heard yesterday one of our pastors in India was brutally murdered in his home for his faith. Pray for our CMM Global Family facing threats and persecution and all fellow believers as the Body of Christ grows larger every day. Salvation is free but it will cost you everything! Jesus is worth it all. Shout it from the rooftops far and wide! Heb. 13:3

Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted
Bethany boosted

This little one has gone to heaven. Thank you to all who prayed for him. He can now run and play and suffer no longer with pain.

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