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davereimer boosted

Hello, Dingdash! 😃
Norway, Europe calling here!

First post: Created & edited profile: "Pro-God & people worldwide. Norwegian Center Christian-Value-Conservative. Pro-Judeo-Messianic-Christian-values &Rule-of-law. Anti-Evil. Much GOOD! John 3:16 :)"

I don't know if this is a Christian-server only/mainly, but I made this profile for Gettr.

I thought I could brighten your day a bit (as the weather permits) 😉 and help point to a thing or two, resource, tips, something helpful.

I am 35 years, was born in Trondheim in a Norwegian-Lutheran State-Church family, and my father was involved in mission to the Sami people in Northern Scandinavia for many years.

Around 2004+ all my siblings had an awakening of sorts in "New" Charistmatic/Baptist congregations.

I have followed Asia Link and BTJ/Back To Jerusalem "offline" for many years. 😃 Great reports!

God bless you all!

davereimer boosted

"Greater love has no one than this, that one should lay down his life for his friends." -John 15:13 💖✝️👫

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davereimer boosted

"In 1898 this is how they predicted police work in year 2000."
(Source: Historic Photographs, FB)

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Since Russia declared war and invaded the nation of Ukraine, hundreds of thousands of refugees have fled over the border to neighboring Poland. Tens of thousands of women and children are living in a nightmare with nowhere to turn, but many Christian believers in Poland’s house church movement are responding with the love of Jesus Christ and our BTJ office in Poland is partnering together with them.
You can still give to this effort here:

davereimer boosted

The brutal art of early Soviet antireligious propaganda posters, 1920-1940
"The magazine actively denounced all religions, hence, rabbis and priests were a basic target for attacking. Often accusing them of collaborating with the rich, as well as the counter-revolutionaries, they were blamed for corruption, laziness, and as a tool used by the rich to control the masses."

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So, today was the first day that Polish citizens could hear rockets falling on the Ukrainian territory...

My neighbor was on the border when the Russians hit the military base, he clearly saw tens of rockets falling down, bringing death and destruction to our friends.

You HAVE to be filled the Holy Spirit to be able to respond with Bibles and not Bombs.

Do you want to pray?

Pray for the fire of revival spreading through Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia.

davereimer boosted

My husband took these pictures of polar lights (aurora borealis) in our garden tonight.

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davereimer boosted

@jezzadiah4messiah for Mariam's book, the Publisher, Whitaker House owns the rights for the audio and ebook version.

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davereimer boosted

Ukraine Update 3-12-22 CMM Members' Boots On The Ground-Jesus' Hands, Heart and Love! All Hands On Deck!
All hands on deck! Pray for your fellow CMM friends and family on the ground in Ukraine and the region rescuing families and orphans, relocating to safety, feeding, and clothing in the cold weather as power outages and communications make it brutal for those without your help! Pray for all the great organizations working to be Jesus' hand, heart, and love during wartime. Keeping our eyes and hearts focused on our Lord always, bringing heaven to earth, for His glory.

davereimer boosted

I'm participating in a course this weekend about boating and navigating, together with other scout leaders and scouts. We have been given an old motorboat, so we need to get certificates to use it. The sea is still frozen, so we can't practice yet, but there is much theory to learn anyway.

davereimer boosted

Marriage Matters, Rules of Engagement, Season 1, Episode 8

In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo talk about getting engaged - that period before marriage when a couple prepares to get married.

As always, Andy B finds us some relevant bible verses to see what the bible says about getting engaged. The bible doesn’t say anything specifically about getting engaged per se, but there are, of course, principles and experiences of engagement in the bible to be found:

• Matthew 1:18- 21 – Joseph thinks about calling off his engagement to Mary
• 1 Corinthians 7:9 – Better to marry than burn with passion

Find out by watching this enlightening episode on Engagement!

Andy and Jo

For the rest of the post, a full transcript, listen to the podcast or watch the video, visit our website –->

For all our Social Links

# berrybunchfamilyfive

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davereimer boosted

I had a very vocal believer on my podcast last night that STRONGLY believes that the HOLY SPIRIT told her that PUTIN is doing a good thing by invading Ukraine and is stopping human trafficking, stopping the ONE WORLD MOVEMENT, resisting the 'Cabal,' and demolishing the Deep State.
It is a respectful conversation with very strong disagreements. We both present the facts and present our opposing views.
We will be posting it tomorrow.

davereimer boosted

Colorado State offers help to anyone "affected by free speech."
This sign offers students 17 resources to help them if they have been affected by free speech.
Universities are treating Free speech as if it is a disease or violence affecting students.
Do not be fooled - the enemy's first attack when he takes over an areas is to stop free speech. Preaching the Gospel and sharing the Word is essential to complete the Great Commission. This is why China, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Iran WILL NOT - CANNOT allow free speech. An attack on free speech is ALWAYS a direct attack on completing the Great Commission, to prolong Satan's time on earth. 😥

davereimer boosted

Thank you brother Alan @DevotionalTreasures for this beautiful devotional, "Patient In Prayer". Sharing your hymn choice of the day:

davereimer boosted

Oh, Hello's Me..
Praying for you: We won't fail Father God in our generation, amen!
- Hope you are doing well ❤️

davereimer boosted
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