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Patsy is our dear friend and loved around the world. Patsy shares her powerful testimony, overcoming rejection,, covid battle, and more. Pray with others at the end for her total healing and restoration.

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davereimer boosted

@jezzadiah4messiah Amen!
Recently am old lady requested for prayer. Her neighbor, who is also a house church elder prayed and shared with us for further intercession.
Few weeks later the elder found the Buddhist lady completely healed and working along with her husband in the paddy fields!

davereimer boosted

Eric Foley, CEO of Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) Korea posted this on Facebook 5 hours ago: 🙏 🙏 🙏

Prayer request from Sister Victoria from Ukraine:

"May God touch the hearts of soldiers, they too need salvation. It is very difficult for us, but we struggle with the feeling of hatred towards them, we try to forgive them. God has judgment and truth."

davereimer boosted

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter You can click on or tap the name of the follower and then beside the button where you can follow or unfollow there is a button with three dots. Tap or click that and there are more options. I selected to block the individual from following me. I hope that helps.

davereimer boosted

-Genocide cont’d
Heavenly Father save & deliver the Uyghurs & the Rohingya
Destroy all weapons/plans targeting ethne
Destroy its evil funding & market
Bring the profiteers to swift shame & justice
We place additional resources to discipling tribes

-Organ harvesting & the human trade
Lord we oppose every evil trade, its financiers & profiteers (Rev 18:11-13)
Expose & hinder their evil plans
May they repent of their sins and be saved
Deliver & heal every victim
Destroy every evil holding facility

These things we ask if it is Your will
In Jesus name. AMEN

Video: In His Image
Genesis 1:26,27
ICR, the Institute for Creation Research

Unreached ethne: Viswakarma, Hausa, Nau Buddh, Kahar, Pasi, Thai, Koiri, Kayashta, Madiga, Mongol, Sonar, Kashmiri, Sayyid, Baloch, Nair, Mahratta Kunbi, Gujar, Lodha, Gadaria, IIavan, Banjara, Brahman, Vakhaliga, Minangkabau, Badhi, Bugis, Bhoi, Kurd, Kachhi, Kanuri

davereimer boosted

Please pray for the president of Finland who will make a phone call to Putin tomorrow! (Last week he visited the White House). As I shared earlier, president Niinistö might be the head of a state that has had the most frequent meetings with Mr Putin. One of the reasons for that might be that Finland is a buffer state between Russia and the West. We have had no other choice than to understand Russia, and to have a dialogue with them... This has been critizised by some Swedes, but these days Sweden is turning to Finland for advice and help.

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I walked to the city center from my job for my lunch today, and saw some soldiers in full combat gear and armored cars and tanks. The air force is also flying over the city. Finnish military are conducting urban warfare training drills in several cities in Finland this week. They do it regularly, and this exercise was planned a couple of years ago. Some might think the timing is perfect, or a little scary.

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Pray for the precious innocent, refugees. CMM members Justyna and Rafal Swiatek are in Poland and their church is welcoming and sharing Jesus. Many are in tears and need HOPE! Read our latest update here. Pray and as the Lord leads give today to help urgently. Many are in tears and need HOPE!

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davereimer boosted

This is exactly my thought why God allowed the war in Ukraine. Please watch the video in the link below.

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After the Nigerian civil war that lasted between July 06, 1967 and January 15, 1970, a great spiritual hunger and thirst was birthed, which gave birth to a mighty revival. The impact of that revival is still being felt in Nigeria today and other African countries. I believe that the Russia/Ukraine war will lead to a great spiritual awakening in Ukraine, Russia, and other parts of the world. Wars and natural disasters create in the hearts of people the desire to experience God's love.

"Spirit of truth and love,
Life giving holy Dove,
Speed forth Thy flight,
Move on the water's face,
Bearing the lamp of grace,
And in earth's darkest place,
Let there be light."

davereimer boosted
davereimer boosted

@faith20 that's nothing but shocking

we've got prices on the increase, with energy costs for homes doubling this year, or worse. some folks buy in large groups, and those have had the worst cost rises

petrol and diesel is rising in cost, although it hadn't really come down from the high costs we saw anyway

food is DEFINITELY going up. £0.25 here, and £0.50 there, while packet sizes are definitely shrinking...

Andy B

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Please PRAY urgently for Chinese Pastor Pan and The Mayflower Church. 🙏 🙏 🙏

Their testimony is incredible. Pastor Pan led his church of 28 adults and 32 children to pose as tourists and they fled China to the S. Korean island of JeJu, where they currently are. They have been denied asylum in S. Korea and unless they are accepted elsewhere (which they have not been up till now), they will be forced to return to China very shortly to face intense persecution and torture. They are submitted to the Lord's will in all things and are ready to face their return if need be. Pastor Pan is an amazing man of God and bold leader in the Chinese Underground Church. I'm posting an older article from Nov. '21 because it has great photos of them: This weighs so heavily upon my heart. Please pray. You will find out in the article how they got their name of "The Mayflower Church".

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@tanjaostman May many others have a heart like yours, filled with God's love for all people, no matter their nationality. This kind of love can make a huge impact for the Kingdom.

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"A NUMBER of Russians have left Russia over concerns about the rumoured declaration of martial law and the impact of crippling economic sanctions.

With scheduled flights out of the country suspended except for Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, many have turned their attention to the rail service operated between the Finnish capital of Helsinki and St. Petersburg by VR, the Finnish state-owned railway company."

Please, pray also for the Russian people! All Russians don't support Putin, and life is getting harder in Russia. But I'm afraid they won't feel very welcome in Finland, as hatred towards Russians increase all over the world. Some Finns hate Russians, because of what their forefathers did to our country. But ordinary people are never responsible for their government, or for what their ancestors did!

Today we had a meeting at my workingplace regarding our Russian and Ukrainian students and colleagues. We have zero tolerance for hate speech.

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