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Arranged Marriages in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and South Asia. It is estimated that 80 percent of all marriages in South Asia are arranged by the bride and groom's parents. Many future spouses have never meet each other before they are introduced by their parents. Even so arranged marriages have a very high success rate.

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I'm so impressed with people who are multilingual. There are so many advantages in speaking foreign languages, in particular the big languages. This is Finland's former prime minister Alexander Stubb. He gives interviews in three languages (German, French, English) in one breath in this clip... He spoke Swedish and Finnish growing up. He studied four years at university in the USA, and then wrote his thesis in London, and married a Brit, so he is perfectly fluent in English as well. They live in Italy now, so I'm quite sure he speaks at least the basics of Italian.

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For all those wondering - I am officially locked out of my FB account until I comply.
For those that know me and my compliance record - ummmm....I might not be on FB again for a very long time.

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wow! that was a massive turn around for Milo.
Wait till they ask him about homosexuals adopting children.
His answer is nowhere NEAR PC.

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Hello all, Greetings from central India.
I invite your all suggestions on how to improve my boy Mikhael speech. At the moment he speaks in tongues.

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I accidentally left the BTJ Hologram Pill Bible in my pants pocket when I washed my clothes and some how something amazing happened!

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@tanjaostman agreed, but don't leave. you still have a voice with your family and friends who are there. use FB and squeeze every drop of usefulness out of it. drop them when they reach their expiration date or they kick you off.

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@sinbach their explanation is pure BS, as always. They have become such bullies and liars. FB is nothing like it used to be 14,5 years back when I joined. They are ridiculous. I wish all of my relatives and friends on FB would join DD instead. I'm not a lot on FB anymore, but it's hard for me to leave it, since a great majority of my relatives and friends don't live close by. I love to connect with people. I need to reconsider this... I would like to delete my account as a statement. They suppress free speech, democracy, freedom of religion and true science/research. They pretend they stand up for these values, but they don't. They do the opposite.

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Thank God for DingDash!
Starting tomorrow - unless something happens - I will be forever 🚫locked out🚫 of my Facebook account.
This is why....

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Please pray for Miss.Y, student in a safe country. Father pastoring a Church and leading people to Christ in a hostile community.

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I just got this in my email. So happy to hear this. It’s a big win for freedom and free speech in the world.

“A Finnish court has upheld the right to free speech by dismissing all charges against Päivi Räsänen and Bishop Juhana Pohjola!

In a unanimous ruling, the Helsinki District Court concluded that “it is not for the district court to interpret biblical concepts.” The prosecution was ordered to pay more than 60,000 euros in legal costs.”

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Afternoon snacks.
My favorite part about being in Switzerland.
Sorry I didn't share any @tymektt. I love you brother - just not that much.....😂 😂 😂

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so many new users on DD. what's up? LOVE IT

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Revival or Revolution?

College campuses are not happy places. The unrest and anger will make you shudder. The language of revolution is in the air and on the posters. But all is not well with the revolution. A counter-revolution is also underway. At Kennesaw State University, I believe that I sensed an undercurrent of hunger for truth, hope, and love. The college students crave love and healing much more than they crave chaos and anger. Strangers in the form of professors, politicians, and media try to whip college students into a frenzy and I think they are worn out from chasing the wind. I sense a receptiveness to hope, healing and truth.

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Andy B 2 Minute Video, when enough is more than enough, S04E0554

It’s a great thought to seek to only give God our best. But we need to check whether giving God what we have, and making sure that is the best we can offer, doesn’t become assigning human values to what we think God will want from us.

While grabbing some time with Jo, Andy B drove her to work. This meant they had some time together while Jo worked a half day, that they wouldn’t have otherwise had together. [READ MORE]

For the rest of the post, a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

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