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davereimer boosted

Update on "Andrew"
In the middle of the day his father sent us a message saying Andrew had used a friend’s phone to send the internal phone number of the deportation center, where we could call him.  
After multiple tries, and testing out different ​languages with whomever it was that answered, at last we got him on the phone! The relief of that initial phone call was tremendous for everyone.   
As chance would have it, we had a guest in our house that night who spoke Dari and was able to help us translate the call. It was a good thing too because Andrew was very chatty, with so much to process. We talked for 20 mins and mostly it was him talking nonstop, trying to get out as much information as possible.  

We informed him about the lawyer process, assuring that he would not be deported, and that we were working our hardest to get him out.  
Please continue to pray for Andrew.

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Finns are considered shy and persons of few words. But that doesn't make us less smart... ;-)

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"Let the saints aspire,
To hoist on every land the banner of Christ's cross;
May its scarlet insignia our hearts inspire,
To gain the mountains and shun earth's dross."

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Cooking breakfast!
Traveling in South Korea on a Father-son snowboard trip without a microwave for our day old pizza.

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@KarlGessler simply put, if we weren't there we can't say it didn't happen


and yes, great point. i love that isaiah 43:19 quote

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If Easter began for you with a sunrise service and ended when the sun went down, you have missed the whole point of Easter.
Easter launched the new creation. Because Jesus is raised from the dead, all things are possible. Speak life over your nation, neighborhood, and family.

There is power
Wonder-working power
In the blood of the Lamb!

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Miracle Healing Of Poisonous Snake Bite In Mozambique!
CMM Pastor Steven Saizi of Malawi traveled to minister in Mozambique. They baptized 46 new believers. A young woman was bitten by a poisonous snake. Steven prayed for the poison to be gone and she was healed in the name of Jesus and by His blood. The world is full of poison and we know the antidote-Jesus! Acts 28

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davereimer boosted

I share this picture on social every year and every year it challenges me!

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The tombstone was rolled away.
Death was defeated.
My sins are forgiven.
I have everlasting life because of His blood that was shed for me and because He lives - I too have the promise of life eternal with my Creator.

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davereimer boosted

Beautiful worship in Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, English, Korean and Persian.

davereimer boosted

Happy 44th Anniversary to Anna Marie Parrott, dating since 1976, married in '78.. Many adventures, challenges, laughs, and great joy. Thankful for 3 amazing sons and 2 grandchildren, (so far) God's grace is sufficient to see us through.

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