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Standing by the tomb of Lazarus, Jesus cried with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come forth", and he that was dead and buried for four days came back to life. Some day, Jesus, the Resurrection and Life, will descend with the shout from heaven, and the dead in Christ will be raptured.

If I die before the resurrection morning, my decomposed body will hear the Master's shout, "Chidi, come forth", and I'll be raptured with other saints to meet the Lord in the sky.

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The Finnish archipelago is unique and a tourist attraction - you find at least 180,000 islands in Finland (220,000 according to Wikipedia. 88,000 of them are amid the 188,000 lakes - the rest in the sea. If you open the article, and then click "the Kvarken archipelago" you find the archipelago outside of the coast where I live. In my opinion, it's not as beautiful as the archipelago in southern Finland, but what makes Kvarken archipelago unique, and a UNESCO world heritage, is that the land is rising at the rate of 8-9 millimeters per year, which is around 1 square kilometer of new land area every year (there are areas in our world that are sinking).

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Maskers Anonymous for mask addicts! 😂 I love the satire site The Babylon Bee. Twitter doesn't like it, so they have been banned.

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I have a friend in Shanghai. He’s been locked in his apartment for a long time. I think about three weeks now. Please pray that the people are released and set free soon. I’ve heard reports of some committing suicide. This is a common side affect of lockdowns. We’ve seen it across the world. Kids suffer the most. They get addicted to gaming and dads lose it on families, etc etc. Pray that Holy Spirit comes and invades those home with Massive Shalom bombs that give nothing it peace healing and Justice of the soul! Amen!!

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Please pray for these precious people. No one should ever be forced to live like this! Imagine being crushed to the point where suicide feels like your only or best option. God do what only You can do 🙏🏻

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BTJ Office Poland: "government just issued manuals to prepare for invasion."
Listen to our BTJ podcast with @tymektt to hear more.

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Watched this tonight with my family and thought it may be a blessing to some of you as well. It's not very long.

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Miraculous Healing Testimony Of 9 Years of Infertility, then Pregnancy With Cancer-HEALED!
Our dear friend Stefania Della Santa from Switzerland hosts a miraculous testimony from Kristina Petricevic, of Croatia. Many prayers had gone up for Kristina after Stefania was led by the Lord to pray for her. Our healing team joined the prayers for her miracle as we watched the Lord do this amazing healing miracle. Kirstina writes 'I live with my family in Split, Croatia. I am 45 years old and a year and a half ago I gave birth to a son Abraham. Before I stayed pregnant I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. After 9 years of infertility in marriage and with such a diagnosis, God gave me a sign that I asked Him - pregnancy. This sign was confirmation that Jesus had healed me with his stripes. Praise God for his faithfulness and goodness.'

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Called my youngest son yesterday because I was curious to see that he was online at 2:30 am - his time.
"Whatchadoing up so late?" I asked.
"oh - just out for a walk."
"WALK?! At 2:30 in the morning?"
"Yea, I need an early start for breakfast. I am walking to IHOP."
The nearest IHOP is 23 miles away. A 7 hour walk. He made it to breakfast at 7 am and then walked back!
He goes to bootcamp in 2 weeks and THIS is how he prepares. 😂 😥 😂 😥😂 😥

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Praying for the millions of people imprisoned in Shanghai and for everyone in China who is affected by this ruthless, horrific lockdown. 😢😢😢 As you well said, "lockdown" isn't even the right word for this. There are no words for this! Come Lord Jesus Come!!! Praying for the Lord's provision for urgently needed food and medicine. Fervent prayers for our brothers and sisters there!!! Thank you very much @sinbach for the BTJ report so that we can 🙏 🙏🙏.

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Just delivered supplies to Ukraine. Also got to know a few brave Ukrainians. Let us put our prayers and actions together for the people currently affected by the war!

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Special hats we decorated at a mother and daughter craft and tea event today.

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@Cherishingsparrows2020 @Berrybunchfamily @Olamide @MaryMamuzich @tanjaostman @Kruselady

Thank you so much. What you wrote fully describes my situation and that of my wife. We receive by faith all that God has prepared for us and what God has made you see. Thanks for the encouragement and for the prayers. God is faithful. God bless you. 🙏

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What are we doing? 😭
What are we guilty of?
5 nearly full-term babies found in boxes with Curtis Bay Medical Waste services.
Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services burns the babies to provide electricity to Baltimore.
Consider that! We Americans find it more tolerable to burn babies for energy than to open Keystone Pipeline.

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