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It doesn't matter how humbly you receive advice if with all your pride you will do your own will. Stay still and trust what He is saying ❤️

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Managed to publish my book today, Broken Dreams, and Hope!

1 minor error on the rear cover was picked up, so I'm still waiting for it to be published, but the eBook version is now available and I was super encouraged to see that selling already which made my day!

I've also had some lovely compliments from people who have already started reading it, and are loving it.

One good friend in the US has thought that they'd like to hold a number of the paperback versions with them - of my book (not something I thought I'd ever say) - to hand out to the homeless people she meets, with a bag of nuts, or raisins or similar.

And I've just finished the first edit of my next book, due out in May. 35,000 words, nearly 200 pages, of properly formatted and adapted writing, and made ready for a detailed edit from @TakeN who's proof reading skills are second to none!

Andy B

PS Should you want to buy the digital version here's the link

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Ukraine-Urgent Updates for Prayer NOW!
Pray unceasingly the Bible says! We need to be praying continually for our families, livelihoods, nation and many crises around the world.

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This worship song is so genuine and filled with love and compassion, it made my eyes tear up. His voice is great as well.

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Lord Jesus,

How faithful you are! You are good even when we are not!

In these days of instability, help us remember that You are the God who "makes a way through the sea, and a path through the mighty waters." (Isaiah 43:1). You are the God who delivered Israel from tyrants when they were unarmed and enslaved. You fed them in the desert when there was no supply chain. You gave them water from a rock when their resources dried up. You are the God who "makes wars to cease to the end of the earth." (Psalm 46:9). And You command us to "Cease striving and know that I am God;" (Psalm 46:10).

Today, Jesus, we give You our worries and fears. We give You our anger. We give you our future. We rest in Your promises, especially that You will never leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6). We claim the attitude of the righteous man in Psalm 112 who "does not fear bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD."

Command victories for Jacob (Your children), O Lord! (Psalm 44:4).

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Disclaimer: DingDash does not now, or ever will in the future, use your posts to limit your ability to drive. The same, however, can not be said by other social media platforms 😂

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A German MEP speaks up against Justin Trudeau in the EU parliament. "A prime minister who openly admires the Chinese dictatorship", she says.

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"'God Called Me Here': YWAM Missionaries Share Why They Remain in Ukraine, Despite the Danger"

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excerpt from

"400 Russian Baptist and Pentecostal church and seminary leaders went well beyond calling for prayers for peace in an open letter earlier this month entitled “Appeal to Compatriots”. The full text of the appeal, which was posted briefly on the website of a small Christian publishing company in St. Petersburg before being removed, apparently voluntarily, follows:


"Dear compatriots!

Our army is conducting full-scale military operations in another country, dropping bombs and rockets on the cities of our neighboring Ukraine. As believers, we assess what is happening as a grave sin of fratricide – the sin of Cain, who raised his hand against his brother Abel.".........

Here's the link for the article where you can read the full letter from the Russian pastors. (The letter is toward the end of the article): This is the website for Voice of the Martyrs Korea.

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Andy B 2 Minute Video, Look Back, But Don't Fall Over!, Season 4, Episode 51

It’s really healthy to look back at what we’ve accomplished. It’s good to remember what we’ve done, or how we tried to do something last time.

It’s great to reflect on where we’ve done amazing things, and even not so amazing things. It can even be healthy to remember the foolish things we did and managed to escape serious injury.

However, if we look back too long, we end up risking falling over. Because we’re still walking forwards at the time!

Just a thought…

Andy B

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

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Andy B 2 Minute Video, Tuck and Roll, Season 4, Episode 52

With life it often seems like we have just two choices to make - wrap ourselves in plastic bubble wrap to protect us from falls and pain. Or we can wear a crash helmet and keep charging on!

Actually, I think there is a third option – a little bit of bubble wrap, a crash helmet, and some time planning out what is in front of us.

There’s always gonna be stuff that knocks us for six! However, more frequently if we’d simply taken a pause before charging along, we could have spotted the issues, or busyness, and figured out a better plan or route!

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

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I'm grateful for this app. I can trust the news here. And hear things I can hear nowhere else.

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This is a serious threat on free speech! Twitter, Facebook and Instagram lock accounts out and call it hate speech, just because they are inconvenient or speak the truth. You know, even saying that Jesus is the only way to God, or saying God created us to male and female is hate speech. This world is upside down. The Babylon Bee is a satire page, humor! It's ridiculous that you can't even joke about the craziness in our world.

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Atleast 2 people died while waiting to purchase Gas /petrol / Diesel from the outlets.

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