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Yay! sitting an SAS flight and masks are NO LONGER mandated! This is the first flight in two years that I haven't had to hide not wearing a mask.
Love it!

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He was born on a US Marine Corps base and this is the blanket the hospital wrapped him in.
Considering that he is now contracted to be an officer in the US Marine Corps, I'd say that this blanket was kinda prophetic.

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Ukraine Update with Amy Muranko of Global Impact with Precious Children in Living Pearl Orphanage
Amy is a long term friend of CMM and she is the founder of Global Impact with a ministry based in the Philippines. Amy and Pastor Sasha founded Living Pearl Orphanage in the Ukraine and care for 47 children with 15 staff. Pray and help during this war and about being a monthly partner.

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One accusation that strikes fear into the heart of Western Christians everywhere is the charge: "not Biblical!" But what does it mean to be "Biblical?" There are lots of earnest, Bible-believing Christians who have very different understandings of what the Bible teaches. Which one of these interpretations is "Biblical"? Today, I will suggest what I believe to be a much more accurate litmus test for the true Christian faith.

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Love exploring with these 3! My boy even found a ‘Moses stick’. Bragging the whole time that he could turn the lake red ‘no problem’ 😂

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Online Global Prayer Meeting today (Apr. 7) for Ukraine organized by OM (Operation Mobilization). 7:15pm UK time. You can register to join at this link.

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Longing for these days, when nature turns from white and grey (as it has been last half year) into green and other colors! These pictures are from last year in May and June.

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LOVE this…

“The church is a hospital for the broken, not a museum of good people”

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"The Last Wave"
As the tide began to come in and the sun began to set, it was as if the world was closing for the night. 🌍 🌒
This lonely wave 🌊 slowly made its way toward the shore, finally coming to rest on the sand, gently laying itself out on the soft ground as a child on their bed 🛌, as the light of the sun gradually faded below the still horizon 🌅, until the colour of the sky faded to a dull grey, marking the arrival of dusk.

© 2022 TakeN Photography

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A woman was once asked what she gained from praying. She replied…
“Prayer isn’t about what I gain, it’s about what I lose. In prayer I lose my pride, arrogance, greed, desire for sin, impatience, despair and discouragement. Prayer allows me to lose the things that get in the way of drawing closer to Him”

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