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lynnexxa boosted
lynnexxa boosted

I love Sweden, and I share stuff like this with a heavy heart. This is about other things than helping people in their deepest needs (then they would help the Yazidis etc). It’s about “extreme” immigration policies. Today Sweden is the second most violent country in Europe. Sweden used to be the safe haven for people around the world. Including my Finnish ancestors, and Jews, during the WWII. Today most of their politics are based on atheistic secular humanism, which might look good on the surface but is destructive. Have you heard that ISIS terrorists that have returned to Sweden are offered free apartments, instead of international war crime tribunals? Did you know that if they rape a woman on the street, they get short sentences and are probably not sent back to their home countries? Did you know that you can travel to Sweden (car, ferry) without any further security control. It’s easy to smuggle illegal drugs and weapons. I could go on, but no digits left.

lynnexxa boosted

I am sharing at an extremely unique missions conference in Sweden this week with about 21 different organisations being represented.
I humbly ask for your prayers as we search together for new ways to cause trouble.

lynnexxa boosted

to anyone who is willing:
I'm so worldly again and most of the time I don't even see it. Please keep me in prayer that I might turn away from worlds vain attractions daily.

I want to be nearer to Christ. Nearer, still nearer...

lynnexxa boosted
lynnexxa boosted

Global prayer warriors, please continue to pray for my 10 year old daughter. We were sent for immediate CT scan following an ultrasound today. They were concerned about a large mass. I know that with God all things are possible. And, He has given so many reassurances through this trial. But, we are in need of prayer. My daughter, husband, 7 year old son, and myself. Thank you so very much! May God bless you.

lynnexxa boosted

A while ago my grandpa was hospitalized due to a severe case of covid. His fight with covid left his lungs very damaged and his body weak to other ailments. But we have seen God working through this. When the first hospital took one test after covid was gone and said he was going to die due to his weakened lungs, God gave him a nose bleed. That hospital said that they can’t handle that and sent him to a bigger hospital. As soon as he got there the bleeding “just stopped”. The new hospital ran testS and put him on treatments that worked so well he was moved to rehab. But when he started getting sick again and rehab could’t figure out why, God brought him to new doctors who found three infections. And he responded well to the medicine. Now his kidneys aren’t fully working, the doctors plan to put him on dialysis. But they have said it will take a miracle for him to walk away from this. That sounds like a challenge to us. Please join us in asking God to show them what a miracle looks like

lynnexxa boosted

Thanks so much to everyone who has prayed for my daughter. Please continue to pray. We have an appointment with a different doctor tomorrow. She hasn't yet recovered fully as we'd hoped. I know God is faithful. He is hearing and answering prayer. Thank you so much for joining me on behalf of my daughter.

lynnexxa boosted

Update: SADLY the police were very cold and indifferent today when Ann was taken to the Fraud department to give more information. She basically in tears said "We were just a number to them!We are a good family, we try to bless everyone in our path, we have 2 babies and none of them understand how much this hurts our family! "

My heart aches for her. She is the 1st Christian in her family, and her family is being cruel. Saying many divorces happen here so she should take it if her husband is angry! She told them he was not angry at her! Infact he was comforting her. They were shocked. They told her she is stupid, a bad wife, a bad mom, and so much more!

May her heart find healing in Jesus and the love from our son, and our family! I am also praying God will miraculously return the money to them through believers around the world! IT would speak so much more! It would speak of God's understanding, love, and the care of HIS children around the world! May God get GLORY!

Does anyone know if the Chinese house churches shut down during the worst of the pandemic like the western church did?

lynnexxa boosted

Pastor Jachin Charley Scott is a long-term, trusted member of CMM and is asking for your prayers and giving to buy oxygen tanks to help folks in their church facing COVID during the plague and lockdowns. Hospitals are overrun and many are not accepting patients. It's time to pray and come together to help save lives! $2,500.00 is needed urgently to buy oxygen tanks and oxygen meters to help the rural poor during this crisis. Give today at our website or call our office at 704-225-3927. Together, we can do much to save lives and save souls with the Gospel!

lynnexxa boosted

Some more fun with the Gesslers. Pray for us, please, as we start a mission trip today!

lynnexxa boosted

Please pray for an aged Gospel worker, he remained a bachelor to care for orphans.
Left his homeland and settled among the people group he adopted.
He is on treatment for prostate related issues. Restless and sad as there are no visitors. Dementia, even gets paranoid sometimes.
Please pray for Divine health and peace.

Read about the communist official--dead and cold in the morgue--who was raised from the dead by prayers to the Lord Jesus Christ! Everyone that saw it became a Christian.

My 39 year old daughter is struggling with covid in a far away city. Will you please pray for her? Her name is Kelly. Thank you.

lynnexxa boosted

Appointment scheduled for an hour and 45 min from now to follow up and see what the next steps are for our daughter. Thanks so much for your prayers. God is faithful.

lynnexxa boosted

Please pray for my friend, Adorina, who lives in India. Her father and grandfather both died and she said the sickness is worse now than it was last year. Thank you for your prayers for her family and for the nation of India.

lynnexxa boosted

@bethany I believe so too. It kind of felt ordained from the beginning, but I didnt know if that was REALLY ordination or excitement. To be completely honest with you, in the beginning stages I kind of felt "THIS IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN." I really felt that her and I didn't click. She was very guarded and I was a stranger. She also has so many people wanting to write her story and I felt insecure with her asking me. But I dared myself to take each step with a feeling in the back of my mind that it was going to stop for one reason or another. Do you know we JUST signed the contract yesterday? that is how much doubt I had that we would actually do this. We have been working on this for a couple of months, but it was only made official yesterday and now it feels more real than ever. So many things have been clicking into place in the last week that has made me also say "this is ordained by God."

lynnexxa boosted

@sinbach I kind of feel like when there's a thousand reasons something shouldn't work out, and it STILL does... it has to be God. I can't wait to read it once it's finished. You got this 😁🙏🏼

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