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This world is so upside down!
"Malta, in 2016, became the first European Union country to ban attempts to “change, repress or eliminate a person’s sexual orientation, gender identity and/or gender expression,” leading to fines or even jail time."

@sarikorpi Yes thx...God has blessed me many ways.. that night in Washington DC at WASHINGTON FOR JESUS was awesome.. the Holy Spirit inhabiting the praises of His servants... before I went to the evening Message and Worship Rally at the football stadium- the tv news Washington Council of Churches said rain and few attending & other negative comments! When I got off the bus at the stadium it sounded like a touchdown .. God’s Spirit in the messages and love between the brotherhood of Christ! Awesome worship service!!! The next day the main event was full of God’s power and love between the brotherhood of the saints!

@sarikorpi Thanks ... I heard him & the x-gang leader (Cruse ??) speak at WASHINGTON FOR JESUS some years ago ... from his book THE CROSS AND THE SWITCHBLADE! I was greatly blessed!

@Berrybunchfamily I pray God guide , bless , & inspire you! I pray your new venture teach hearts for Jesus in an anger , lonely & discouraged world!

@Chidiotamiri I believe it is the blueprint for the Church (those saved by Grace thru Jesus the Christ) ! The witness of a faithful Church is God’s love in action, changing People one heart at a time... which changes a tribe and a Nation!

@sarikorpi We serve an awesome God whose ways are not our ways!! I pray God anoint Torbin with His mighty Spirit and bring peace to him & his family! I pray many will be brought to salvation, joy and peace thru God’s Spirit! “ NOT BY MIGHT ,MOT BY POWER , BUT BY MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD” Zachariah 4:6

@davereimer Torben has sent a small greeting (not a video, just a writing) on YouTube for 23 hours ago. He's still in jail, now 1 year and 18 days, but he thanks God for His goodness. An inmate has just two days ago told Torben he's thanking God for sending Torben there. His life has been transformed, he will never be the same, and he says that the whole dorm is changed. So Torben says God is working on so many levels, but that also the fight is really still on. So he will come out with a longer update in a few days. He says: "Please keep all of this in your prayers, as everything is coming to an end and everything can happen at any moment now. Thank you for your love and support towards me and my family. God is moving, and He has a plan with all if this".

Here's the newest update from Torben.
This is encouraging - how Torben is living out his Christian faith in the prison. I'm thinking, how can I show more of God's love to people around me, to see and understand the needs, and be a help where I can? 🙏🏻

"It is more blessed to give than to receive". Acts. 20:35

@richardafaherty Good day, Sir!
I am well....but got very very busy in the field! Home now for a couple of weeks....just got dingdash back on my device..
God bless You so

@Olamide You are in my prayers each day! I pray God open hearts to the truth of His Mighty Wird!

Olamide Dawson. I’m worried about you.. haven’t heard from you in a while ..???

@DevotionalTreasures. Excellent.. I pray God strengthen believers to be a spiritual light in a darkening world! Thank you for your teaching!

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