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"Her Firstborn Son"

You explained it so well here, Pedro. I was explaining much of what you said here to a neighbor of mine recently. She is an older person who always believed in God and read her bible. Still, for life’s reasons, she never had any discipling or bible instructions. So living next door to me now, she reads and prays daily. And she is asking some deep questions, keeping me sharp so that I don’t grow dull in these things by God’s watch-care.

God bless you! Merry Christmas!


Awin is continuing his battle - not just UTI, Kidney related.
The college student's challenges are never ending.
A recently born baby is not feeding or opening eyes.
No update from the young man who fell.
Man with fracture is recovering.

God may send His Word and heal and protect each one of them 🙏
Please pray 🙏 pray 🙏 pray 🙏

@Chimneysweepwife Only the teachings of God in the Holy Bible bring a society into being that treats women as equals giving them respect & real rights..

@Lanka4Jesus may the Lord touch every bruise and misaligned bone and restore perfect health! Amen!!

@BrettHawthorn This promise is an encouragement to me .. sometimes there is great discouragement in my small efforts to share the mighty gospel & Biblical messages.. this promise brings me joy when I don’t see fruit!

At times the vibrations of heavenly holiness and love are tangible and strong when you meet someone. Today in Mombassa, Kenya I was blessed to meet then ordain Ann Ogola Owti who started this slum church with nothing 3 years ago and gives spiritual and natural food to 100s hungry for the love of God through Jesus. Whenever I got near her I would begin to weep and tremble the anointing of the chabad of the Lord opened the heavens. She is the first photo at top. There were 20 or so other anointed fury servants being ordained but Ann is remarkable.

Awins initial medical reports are not looking good 😕
Please pray and cancel the schemes of the evil one.

@tanjaostman I appreciate the history lesson .just think we all have the same great —great grandpa Noah! And if we love Jesus we are brothers & sisters in Christ Jesus! We have hope on Christ eternal hope!

@VeritasDomain. Thanks for this concise teaching .. I had no understanding of the significance of RUTH!

@Dreamsharer Thank you verrry much for sharing this message! I pray God richly bless you!

@RevDurrance36 Oh what Peace & joy this promise brings to believers! Our Lord is mighty to save!

@Cherishingsparrows2020 @paga4 @Berrybunchfamily @Knittinggrace

Thank you for your messages and your prayers. At the moment there are no restrictions and the decision of the Constitutional Court retroactively concerns the restrictions and obligations of the past months, which in Italy have been particularly harsh. The point is that with this decision they have set the stage for any other pandemic or restriction for the future. According to them, during what they establish as emergencies, they can make the vaccine mandatory and those who do not comply cannot work, cannot go shopping and so on. Implicitly this is what they decided.

Today a black page has been written in Italy. The Italian Constitutional Court has confirmed the constitutionality of the vaccination obligations imposed in recent months through which it was prevented from working, from eating, from entering public offices and through which, as you know, I lost my job. For them everything is fine. 😥 😥 😥

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