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This is a sad day for Finland. 😢 A transgender law was accepted today which allows men/female couples to have children as being the childs only parents. Also the definition of "mother" and "father" is going to change. A biological woman giving birth to a child can now be the father of the child. So crazy!!

If Italy is going through a punishment of God, so will be the case for Finland too. We are today stepping aside from God's blessings and shelter with this law that violates His standards and creation. 🥶😭 God have mercy on us!! 🙏

A sound, biblical teaching about the reality of hell. Very good.

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@faith20 I agree! I was reminded of Joshua when he came upon the man with a drawn sword and he asked “are you for us or against us “ ? and the man (who was actually the Lord) said neither! My life is not about God helping me with my agenda. It’s about me being part of His agenda!

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*Andrew (name changed for security) is an Afghan teenage believer from the Pashtun tribe with a death threat on his life to join the Taliban. During the US evacuation last summer he was separated from his family and fled Afghanistan which landed him up in Istanbul Turkey illegally where he was rescued by our own A n B couple.took Andrew into their home and have been working on getting him the documentation he needs to reunite with his family and go to the US for school. Last week while A n B were out in eastern Turkey, the police located Andrew in Istanbul, took him into custody and moved him to another eastern city in what appears to be a deportation effort. Andrew is currently in a city near the Iran border
Would you urgently join us in praying (and mobilizing prayer) that the Lord would intervene and rescue Andrew from being deported or abducted and returned back to A n B's home. Let’s pray that the plans the Lord has for Andrew’s life would be fulfilled!

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God uses trials with a purpose in mind—He never wastes anything.

Here we get to the heart of the issue.

Faith produces endurance, or steadfastness. “Steadfastness” implies staying behind or waiting patiently. This is not passive acceptance, but a persistent determination to walk through a trial as a winner, someone who clings tenaciously to God in perfect peace. This is patience that makes a man stand on his feet and face the storm head-on, being strong in the Lord. This is the active, heroic endurance to aggressively wait in the strength given by God. This is exactly what we need in trials and is promised to you as a believer in Christ.

Steadfastness is a virtue gained gradually and painfully, not by reading books about perseverance, but by walking through pain.

S. Swartz

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Mrs.Kunnia lost her hearing partially. Please pray for her healing.
Wife of a senior partner, mother of 2 active teenagers.

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If we really wanted to “save” America, the number 1 issue is sex outside of marriage. Sex outside marriage is the root of most of our social issues: abortion, single motherhood, poverty, lost opportunity, lower intelligence, apathy, short term thinking, etc. If we don’t start there, the culture can not and perhaps should not be saved. Full stop.

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Please pray for these precious people. No one should ever be forced to live like this! Imagine being crushed to the point where suicide feels like your only or best option. God do what only You can do 🙏🏻

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The “Triumphal Entry” of Jesus is such a paradox. It sounds victorious and worthy of celebration but it is really pretty sober. We know that Good Friday and the cross are right around the corner. This Sunday feels like trying to celebrate your birthday when you know you will die on the next weekend. This day is the deep breath before the plunge.
This day represents our current cultural situation very well. We know we are in a great awakening. We know that better days are ahead. But we don’t know what we will have to suffer between here and there.

“for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”Hebrews 12:2

There is joy set before us. Victory is guaranteed to us because Jesus has sat down at the right hand of the Father (this is “the Gospel”: Jesus is King). With assurance of this, we move forward and embrace the cross and we despise it’s shame.

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@Cherishingsparrows2020 @Berrybunchfamily @Olamide @MaryMamuzich @tanjaostman @Kruselady

Thank you so much. What you wrote fully describes my situation and that of my wife. We receive by faith all that God has prepared for us and what God has made you see. Thanks for the encouragement and for the prayers. God is faithful. God bless you. 🙏

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Almighty God, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, come to my help and deliver me from this difficulty that besets me. I believe, Lord, that all trials of life are under Your care and that all things work for the good of those who love You. Take away from me fear, anxiety and distress. Help me to face and endure my difficulty with faith, courage and wisdom. Grant that this trial may bring me closer to You, for You are my rock and refuge, my comfort and hope, my delight and joy. I trust in Your love and compassion. Blessed is Your name. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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LOVE this…

“The church is a hospital for the broken, not a museum of good people”

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Last year all my wonderful DD brothers and sisters were praying for my daughter and granddaughter to survive an extremely different delivery. Today Kynlee turned one and she is beautiful and healthy and so is my daughter.
I thank God for DD! A place that brings us together from around the world to love and hold each other up in prayer. Praise God for saving the life of this tiny child that has my heart wrapped around her tiny finger!

Dear sisters and brothers who are praying for Ukraine! I have received two long letters (last one yesterday) from an Ukrainian sister (through my dear friend and sister in Christ, Laura) about the current situation and their prayer requests for the country. The person who wrote the letters was happy to hear that I'm able to share them out to Christians from different countries here on dingdash. However, the letters are too long to share them here directly, but if you would like to receive them to your e-mail (or whatsapp, signal) I'm happy to send them to you! Please send me a message with your details and I will mail you.

I've just under the last years started to understand why we should preach the gospel about becoming a FOLLOWER of Christ and not only to "believe in Jesus and be saved to heaven". This video (and others on the same subject) has helped me and it gives some good advice on how to win people for Christ (or better said, how God uses you to find them!)

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