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Muslim father stabs daughter to death when he learns she had been to church and was following Jesus.
Would you be willing to die to be in church today?
Satan is growing violent because his time is short and he is desperate BUT JESUS IS COMING BACK.
we share more details in our latest article.

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Hi Ding-Dash Family!

The kids and I just released our newest music video. The scenery is gorgeous! I think you will love it!

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Never water down the Word of God, but preach it in it's undiluted sternness.
Oswald Chambers

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@sarikorpi I'd see those 46 absent as votes against....don't know how your political system but over here absence simply means they're trying to please both sides and don't have the courage to stand up for what they actually believe

Andy B

What is strange with this new transgender law is that all mainstream media is being totally silent about it and about how it was accepted yesterday in the parliament. One would think they would be jumping with joy and shouting out loud about it! But no, just silence. The only one talking about it is Christian parliament members, forwarding a list of the members who voted against it. 106 voted for it, 46 against, 1 voted empty and 46 was absent. I believe they don't want people to know what is happening behind the scenes.

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@sarikorpi I pray for the people to see their sin and repent, turn to Jesus and that God would heal their land!”

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What a sad thing. Humanity is now adrift and I believe that even more than ever the time has come for the church of Jesus Christ to take a stand against wickedness and affirm all that God's Word says. Jesus promised us that he will be with us until the end of the present age and he certainly will. Taking a stand for Christ, however, must make us reflect on the price to pay. It is time for the Western church to think hard about the prophecies of the end times and to reflect on what has been happening for two years now (but also in the last few decades).

It is time for the Western church to become church and not entertainment again. The future does not belong to us and at any moment the geopolitical scenario changes and there could be very serious problems to face. What is happening in Ukraine teaches us. As a church we need to fortify ourselves in Christ and learn from those who have been suffering for years. I am referring to our brothers in the persecuted church.

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Also in Italy they are pushing hard for laws similar to those passed in Finland. All of this is very displeasing to God. What we can do as a church is to continue praying that God will remove the veil that prevents this generation from seeing, we can continue to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. May God strengthen us and make us a gift of his grace. God bless you dear brothers and sisters. 🙏🙏🙏

This is a sad day for Finland. 😢 A transgender law was accepted today which allows men/female couples to have children as being the childs only parents. Also the definition of "mother" and "father" is going to change. A biological woman giving birth to a child can now be the father of the child. So crazy!!

If Italy is going through a punishment of God, so will be the case for Finland too. We are today stepping aside from God's blessings and shelter with this law that violates His standards and creation. 🥶😭 God have mercy on us!! 🙏

A sound, biblical teaching about the reality of hell. Very good.

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@faith20 I agree! I was reminded of Joshua when he came upon the man with a drawn sword and he asked “are you for us or against us “ ? and the man (who was actually the Lord) said neither! My life is not about God helping me with my agenda. It’s about me being part of His agenda!

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*Andrew (name changed for security) is an Afghan teenage believer from the Pashtun tribe with a death threat on his life to join the Taliban. During the US evacuation last summer he was separated from his family and fled Afghanistan which landed him up in Istanbul Turkey illegally where he was rescued by our own A n B couple.took Andrew into their home and have been working on getting him the documentation he needs to reunite with his family and go to the US for school. Last week while A n B were out in eastern Turkey, the police located Andrew in Istanbul, took him into custody and moved him to another eastern city in what appears to be a deportation effort. Andrew is currently in a city near the Iran border
Would you urgently join us in praying (and mobilizing prayer) that the Lord would intervene and rescue Andrew from being deported or abducted and returned back to A n B's home. Let’s pray that the plans the Lord has for Andrew’s life would be fulfilled!

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God uses trials with a purpose in mind—He never wastes anything.

Here we get to the heart of the issue.

Faith produces endurance, or steadfastness. “Steadfastness” implies staying behind or waiting patiently. This is not passive acceptance, but a persistent determination to walk through a trial as a winner, someone who clings tenaciously to God in perfect peace. This is patience that makes a man stand on his feet and face the storm head-on, being strong in the Lord. This is the active, heroic endurance to aggressively wait in the strength given by God. This is exactly what we need in trials and is promised to you as a believer in Christ.

Steadfastness is a virtue gained gradually and painfully, not by reading books about perseverance, but by walking through pain.

S. Swartz

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Mrs.Kunnia lost her hearing partially. Please pray for her healing.
Wife of a senior partner, mother of 2 active teenagers.

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If we really wanted to “save” America, the number 1 issue is sex outside of marriage. Sex outside marriage is the root of most of our social issues: abortion, single motherhood, poverty, lost opportunity, lower intelligence, apathy, short term thinking, etc. If we don’t start there, the culture can not and perhaps should not be saved. Full stop.

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Please pray for these precious people. No one should ever be forced to live like this! Imagine being crushed to the point where suicide feels like your only or best option. God do what only You can do 🙏🏻

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