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We are looking at starting a new mission restaurant serving Texas brisket.
Thinking of names. Any ideas?

have some new friends on DingDash! @Fra, @voiceover64 , @Thruthedoor Welcome on DingDash!

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@sinbach Life Bites… Chewon This… I don’t know; I could probably think of something clever if I spoke Vietnamese….but I definitely want to be notified when available!

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Found this picture in my gallery wow... Absolutely remarkable!
Now..why did I save the picture you may ask?..... well.. backstory:
Every video & picture of Bro. Eugene had him wearing a I was convinced then that he was bald...or basically had no hair!...this picture was a revelation! 😂😂😜😜

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Sinobach boosted

New well URGENTLY NEEDED in Tanzania-Help CMM Save More Lives! Click here to learn more: Yohana Mayiku, Tanzania, is a long-term, trusted, and reliable CMM Minister, winning many souls and discipling the saints with eternal transformation, even whole villages coming to know Jesus. We ask you to pray and share in the blessings that come from giving safe, clean water along with the living water of Jesus!
The new well will cost $1,500 and provide hundreds of people safe, clean water, helping them live longer and healthier, more productive lives!

CMM has done many wells with Yohana. He is faithful and a wise steward. Yohana has such a heart for the lost and represents the Father's heart so lovingly as he disciples them on an ongoing basis.

They often take hours daily to carry buckets of unsafe water to care for the families.
Please pray and ask the Lord if you are to help us to save lives and provide more wells and the living water.

We are starting a BTJ chocolate company in Vietnam. Any ideas for a name?

In Vietnam today doing filming on the first cacao trees brought to make chocolate. The first trees were planted by a missionary 150 years ago and today we are using the chocolate business to support BTJ missionaries!

@tanjaostman I am not a fan of Biden. His economy is broken, his immigration policy is dangerous, and his warfare on free speech and political opponents is unparalleled in American history. He may not be the president that I support, but perhaps he is so bad as to be the one we deserve.

@tanjaostman i am an advocate of free speech. That is why we started DD in the first place. whether i agree with Tucker or not, I think that it is a shame that after two years of war, not one single western journalist interviewed Putin. I can understand if he denied interviews, but it seems that no one even tried. That is sad. Whether the interview or the grocery shop is propaganda or not, it is good for us to watch and learn. The CIA and MI6 are watching every interview that Putin does to learn from him. Should we not be doing the same?
That is my opinion anyway.

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BTJ article, video tip from Daily Caller:
"Chinese Student Promoting Communism is Shut Down in Less Than 3 Minutes"

"Communism is surging in popularity among young college-aged students around the world, primarily because history has been erased and distorted. This prompted a young Cuban man to approach a Chinese woman promoting Communism in the west.

When the Cuban, a refugee from the Communist nation of Cuba, understood that the young Chinese lady was promoting Communism, he asked her one simple question that completely destroyed her argument in support of the atheistic idea of Communism."

@Olamide 😂
The atheist was first sitting beside me, but I don't talk to people on the flight so he changed seats to be closer to the cowboy.😂

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A young Christian disciple is in jail. We are not convinced about the 'illegality' of the business, which he is accused off. He was not doing anything unethical!!! Please pray for God's justice. Guidance for the Church and the leaders to deal with the crisis.@Olamide

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