MiBurrito boosted

These are pictures we took at an orphanage we visit to help. Our hearts break as we wipe dirt or dry vomit off their little bodies. Or unleash them from a chain holding them to the wall so they can’t move more than a foot away. Or tend their oozing infections in their mouths, feet or wherever. When I have one of these little ones near me all I feel is love and compassion. To tend them with the most Jesus love possible. We can’t go see them right now because of covid. I hate covid. But when I PRAY, I ASK GOD TO SHEILD THEIR MINDS AND HEARTS and to help them feel HIS LOVE regardless of what humans are doing. And I BELIEVE with ALL MY HEART that God answers and honors these prayers. For HIS heart breaks even more than mine.

So Christians please care! As a church we CAN make a difference. We can adopt. We can support financially. We can help physically. We can pray. We can advocate.

Or We can forget and look away.

My thoughts from China tonight.

MiBurrito boosted

STORM! HUGE STORM HERE AND FLOODING AND HUGE HAIL! My son is on is way home and said 2-3 feet where he is in areas already! HUGE hail!

Our yard has a shallow rushing of water already!

Please pray for all the emergency workers, the elderly and those in need!!!!!!!!!!!!

MiBurrito boosted

We are on one of our biggest adventures right now. can't say much about it but would appreciate your prayers.

@sinobach - I appreciate what you have done for the underground church technologically. Can you all help those of us in the west that aren’t there yet but don’t like being tracked by Microsoft or Apple? To have word processing and video capabilities that is very secure would be wonderful. Many of us are cautious as minister but surveillance is creeping in more and more. Can you all help us?

MiBurrito boosted
MiBurrito boosted

We got word an hour ago of one of our pastors in Afghanistan, Pastor Siddique, was notified that his house now belongs to the Taliban and 'they know what he is doing.' His family has fled to the country side and others are also being threatened. We ask you to pray. CMM has already received some funds to send to them and other friends' groups working in Afghanistan like FAI and others. These are front line warriors risking their lives to share Jesus' love. As the Lord leads give at www.cmm.world for rapid response fund or covert.

MiBurrito boosted
MiBurrito boosted

The Question No One is Asking
8 months ago, China launched 16 rockets into the sky to 'seed' the clouds and make it rain. And it rained! It was a success!
But are there side effects to manipulating weather?
BTJ partners with the underground church are currently helping the victims in the worse flood in 1,000 years. I am wondering - is this simply mother nature, is it due to climate change, or could it possibly have something to do with climate manipulation?

MiBurrito boosted

Praying family, I just found out my cousin's daughter was just diagnosed with the same condition (teratoma) that my daughter had. She is almost 8 years old. Please pray for her and for her family as well. My 10 year old daughter is continuing to recover at an amazing speed. It's truly an answer to prayer and blessing from our Heavenly Father. We are so grateful!

MiBurrito boosted

We reach a stage where our ship no longer sails the high seas of life, but is in harbour, anchored securely to Christ. Yet our spirit still sails far and wide in prayers.

MiBurrito boosted
MiBurrito boosted

Global prayer warriors, please continue to pray for my 10 year old daughter. We were sent for immediate CT scan following an ultrasound today. They were concerned about a large mass. I know that with God all things are possible. And, He has given so many reassurances through this trial. But, we are in need of prayer. My daughter, husband, 7 year old son, and myself. Thank you so very much! May God bless you.

MiBurrito boosted

Dear Father God we intercede for our brother mentioned by Bethany. Lead him in your service glorifying Your name, but please keep him safe from harm and the authorities. Bring him safely home when his work is done. This we ask in the precious name of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, Amen.

MiBurrito boosted

One of our BTJ partners working in a closed country was ministering yesterday in a rural village. The police were called and the local authorities are now looking for him.
Please keep him and his family in your prayers today 🙏🏼

@sinbach @messenjahofchrist When is DingDash going to have the capacity to have groups¿ We have 3 Spanish speaking groups that need to leave WhatsApp quickly.

Praying that The Holy Spirit prepares our hearts to worship in Spirit and truth. May God speak truth to our hearts. Help us Lord to hear your voice! Amen.

I want to thank Bethany for sharing the stories from the Chinese church, over these last 30 days. It has been a blessing and an encouragement. May we let God work in us and hold us steady when trying times come our way!

I hope y’all have a good day tomorrow worshiping in Spirit and truth.
¡Buenas noches!

MiBurrito boosted

This is my daughter Lisa, who has Placenta Accreta. Plz pray the placenta quits growing through the uterus and Lisa will suffer NO bleeding problems. She has had 2 miscarriages; this will be her 3rd child. Thank you for praying! This DD family is priceless... If we never meet in person I know we'll have a blast when we meet in Heaven! I truly love you all.

MiBurrito boosted

Please pray for our brother Voddie Baucham, a faithful minister of the Gospel. He recently discovered he has heart failure and is returning to the USA for tests and treatment. This is a bold and courageous warrior for the Lord. Join me in praying for his health and recovery!

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