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Andy B 2 Minute Video, New Life Meets The Old, S04E062

A friend in the US sent me a photo from her garden. And it struck me just how much the old vegetation had protected the new flowers growing, because the old had literally covered over the new, during the winter.

With Easter just a week away at the time of writing this theme of old becoming new, is very much on my mind!

I’m reminded how the terrible eruption of Mount Saint Helens resulted in the devastating loss of much forest. And yet that loss also allowed smaller plants, flowers and bushes the chance to grow and thrive because they finally saw lots of sunlight – that the forest canopy overhead had denied it prior to the eruption.

It’s easy to see devastation as just an end. But, with Jesus Christ, the end is never the end.

Just a thought…

Andy B

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He was born on a US Marine Corps base and this is the blanket the hospital wrapped him in.
Considering that he is now contracted to be an officer in the US Marine Corps, I'd say that this blanket was kinda prophetic.

@Cherishingsparrows2020 oh this is so warms my heart. Blows me away that people can buy this around the world!!

I pray it blesses and encourages you!!

Would love to know what you think 🙂

Andy B

"The Last Wave"
As the tide began to come in and the sun began to set, it was as if the world was closing for the night. 🌍 🌒
This lonely wave 🌊 slowly made its way toward the shore, finally coming to rest on the sand, gently laying itself out on the soft ground as a child on their bed 🛌, as the light of the sun gradually faded below the still horizon 🌅, until the colour of the sky faded to a dull grey, marking the arrival of dusk.

© 2022 TakeN Photography

LOVE this…

“The church is a hospital for the broken, not a museum of good people”

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Beard Brushes and Spiritual Growth

Beards need grooming. They need care and attention, or they can look pretty scruffy rather rapidly. That may be the look you want, but in our house that wouldn’t fly! So, since I can’t shave at this time due to a medication I’m on, I’ve now bought myself a beard brush.

I didn’t know such a thing existed, and yet I now use it fairly frequently to keep my growing beard in order and making myself look a little more presentable. [READ MORE]

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Andy B

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