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Sunday PLUS, S01E002

Dave the Dog joins Jo Jo in the studio and, well, mostly together, they help Andy B take a look at the second chapter of Proverbs, which is rammed full of wisdom.

Dave the Dog comes to realise that using a permanent marker on his friend's head is not using much in the way of wisdom - at least he gets there in the end!

The BerryBunch

Sunday PLUS happens around the world at 5pm (UK time). We'll publish the video at 8pm the same day.


Interesting point

Although fasting should be a common thing for a Christian anyway, entertainment (distraction) isn't in the bible and we're warned against abstaining from sex in marriage unless very briefly and only in agreement with our spouse...

Like your brakes analogy though

Andy B

Please pray for the children of ministry partners, who are appearing for their High School final exams.

Just read Roman 3....anybody else read this chapter and thought...say what?!?

Need to read around this one!!

Andy B

Gospel Truth: Jesus Prays For You

“It is the Messiah, Jesus, who has died, or rather has been raised; who is at God’s right hand, and who prays on our behalf!”
Romans 8:34

Family Prayer Time, Brands, S01E08

Peter & JoJo get together to encourage us, as always, to pray as a family. And they continue their series on using objects around the home to help us stay focused in prayer.

This week, JoJo & Peter continue to inspire us into praying for different countries, nations, or places in the world by using, this time, brands associated with countries.

Peter and JoJo encourage us to find items or pictures of items that are either made in a particular country or reminds us of that country for which we want to pray.

With an item from Ikea – a mobile phone holder made of wood – of all things! - Peter and JoJo pray for Sweden.

The BerryBunch

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Marriage Matters Editor S1 E13

In this week’s Marriage Matters, Andy B and Jo talk about the wider family – Parents, Siblings, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and the in laws and how these family relationships can affect our marriages for good or bad. Jo opens by sharing some family matters found in the bible, the good, the bad and the ugly!

Like Marriage Matters, so does Family matter!

Tips and Resources
• Look out for, and watch, Skit Guys movie - Family Camp.
• Take some time, a year if you can, when you first get married to learn what God wants you to do to serve Him – together - now you’re a married couple.
• Pray – ask God about family relationships and how he wants you to handle them!

The Take Away
Andy notes how the bible tells us to do family very differently from how the world or even the church culture tells us.

Jo has noticed how important family is from Genesis to Revelation!

Andy and Jo

@MaryMamuzich I'm not sure I've seen one, and especially bit this close. Perhaps 6 feet away!

One sits on a perch. The other goes to build the nest. The pair have been going flat out, returning every 60 seconds or so.

Always one on a perch, while the other goes to the nest withe whatever they've just found for it

A pair of lovely goldfinches are busily building a nest just outside one of our windows. These are two ridiculously pretty little birds with perfectly defined bands of golden yellow and glorious red!

What a joy to see them beavering away looking as beautiful as God intended them to look, building their nest, with not a care in the world - even the wind we have today is blowing them all over the place, and yet they sit on a small branch, steady as a rock. What a reminder to be peaceful amongst the winds of life.

It reminds me of Matthew 6:26-34 (NLT)
Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?...and so much more heavenly wisdom

Andy B

@tymektt awesome. And just spotted the message in your t-shirt!. Brilliant!!

Andy B

When are you going to believe you receive what you ask in prayer—when you receive the answer or when you pray?

You should believe you receive when you pray.

@sinbach @tanjaostman her behaviour was open to criticism when she was a child too.........or maybe that's just me being a little harsh - she knew what she was doing, and so do the people manipulating her. that makes me cross!!

i wonder if she'll pick up what has really been going on and do a Macaulay Culkin , and ditch her parents so she can keep all the money to herself

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