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@bethany ooh, yes so much, yes!

Maturing as a Christian is also realising how much independence we still need to shed...

Andy B

@Jhayward you're in the UK? for some reason I thought you were based in the US

my apologies

Andy B

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 14.07.2022

Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it’s in your power to help them.

Proverbs 3 v 27

Andy B

Andy B

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S04E100, Pausing Is Good for You!! Andy B 2 Minute Video

Well, that’s it - this is my 100th episode of Andy B 2 Minute Videos in this current season (and my 148th overall). We’ve only recently reached 1,000 posts across the BerryBunch, and now I’ve just finished my 100th episode of my weekday thought provokers. It’s a moment to celebrate what I’ve been able to do by the guiding, and providing, of God.

With this current season we saw the biggest changes to our online ministry:

- we’ve added another pair of studio lights
- we’ve invested in 2 x studio quality microphones
- we were blessed with a gift to buy BerryBunch t-shirts
- we were blessed with a gift to buy a studio camera
- we’ve added in brand new, funky jingles

I’m definitely no perfectionist, but I do like doing things to a high standard, especially when doing them for God and, at this point, I’m really thrilled with...[READ MORE]

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 13.07.2022

You need not be afraid of sudden disaster…for the Lord is your security. He will keep your foot from being caught in a trap.

Proverbs 3 v 25 – 26

Andy B

Andy B 2 Minute Video – 100th Episode, later today

I wouldn’t normally give you a heads up that another Andy B 2 Minute Video is coming out. But, this one – at 6pm (UK time) will be my 100th of this Season. And it will be my last one for a while too; after 2 years, and 148 episodes, it’ll be time for a bit a pause!

Much more to be revealed when this pops up on your Facebook, Instagram, WordPress, Twitter or Tumblr feeds, YouTube, Vimeo, DingDash wall, E-Mail Inbox, Podcast provider.

But, fear not – we’re nearly to publish my 2nd book, which is a collection of Andy B 2 Minute Videos for you to enjoy in paper form, or even on your kindle or other digital reading device. And, God willing, I’ll be back – to find out when, you’ll have to check out this evenings Andy B 2 Minute Video, called “Pausing Is Good For You!!”

Andy B

S04E099, Little Things Matter Too! Andy B 2 Minute Video

On the floor of our studio, for about 2 weeks, has been a tiny piece of black foam.

I knew what it is – the foam cover from a pair of small headphones. But the studio floor is also a fairly busy place, so I left it, and then forgot about it and, then, well, rinse and repeat until I make an Andy B 2 Minute Video out of it!

Eventually I worked out who it belonged to when I spotted Jo’s earphones, missing one circle of black foam from one side - and I finally went to pick it up: I’ll replace the missing one from Jo’s earphones later today from the small bag of spare foam covers that we have, just in case someone loses it on the studio floor, just for example!

But this got me thinking about how often in life we leave things ‘cluttering up the place’. [READ MORE]

Andy B

A Brief Pause with Andy B, 12.07.2022

Life is a lot like gardening, with seemingly endless work, that seeks to get you down.

Remember to celebrate the good and take time out to smell the roses when they bloom.

Andy B

: 1,000 Posts – How did that happen?

I wondered if this was a proper post. My family – rather passionately – told me that it was, so, here we are!

1,000 posts is quite a thing to celebrate, and it’s only because of God! So, enjoy some of the journey that led to the website and Online Ministry, and quite a few miracles along the way. [READ MORE]

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Andy B

S04E098, Peace Trumps Fear, Andy B 2 Minute Video

The UK has seen a terrifying increase in costs for heating and cooking. In the middle of summer, heating seems like something to not worry about. But the latest estimates are that a family who are paying £300 in the summer, will be paying £500 by October and £550 by January. As a family we were only paying £100 at the start of the year. That’s a five fold increase!

In the midst of this our UK Prime Minister has been forced to resign, which leads people to wondering what – and who - comes next, and I struggle to see how we won’t have a Summer, and Autumn, of strikes and protests as poverty bites ever harder on the poorest people of our nation, which is rapidly spreading to those with greater wealth as bills grow, while wages shrink rapidly by comparison with rising living costs. [READ MORE]

Andy B

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A Brief Pause with Andy B, 11.07.2022

Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding.

Proverbs 3 v 13

Andy B

Got out before it got too hot. And I even beat my best time yet, yes!!!!🙂

Strava is a bit out as I forgot to hit start until I was a wee bit from home.

Still, my route was virtually, entirely, car free and the sea was beautiful, with the waves crashing against the shore - despite it being the school run time

Andy B

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