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@Cherishingsparrows2020 it really was, and is ! If you have a testimony you could share, we'd love to do that and encourage others.

Andy B

– Steven’s Testimony

Every Tuesday we’ll post a testimony with the hashtag .

Testimonies are so wonderfully powerful!
This one is from Steven and an experience he had more than a decade ago. We love Steven for his wisdom and tenacity and is half of the driving force for one of our regular broadcasts – Endurance.

Steven’s Testimony
Many years ago, when I was a child, I wrote this testimony – of a time when the Holy Spirit comforted me. I’ve shared it in several Children’s Church services.

I was sad and alone in a school playground, so I asked God to comfort me. At that moment, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around to see who it was, but there was no one there to have touched me.

I immediately knew it was the Holy Spirit who’d put His hand on my shoulder. And, being reminded of His presence, I was comforted.

If you've a testimony we could share online to encourage others, let us know.

Andy B

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Fires, Vents and Fuel Season 4, Episode 37

Log Burners are great for romantic nights, or just to warm the room.

However, it isn’t always quite as simple as just throwing some wood inside and chucking in a match!

You’ve got make sure the wood is dry – in the UK it is really frowned upon to use wet wood in a fire in a home. You’ve also got to think about using any vents on the fireplace to help build the fire and supply it with enough air. It even matters how you first stack the initial wood – not enough kindling and you won’t be able to get the bigger logs to start burning.

It’s rightly said that using a log burner is more of an art than a science
And so it is with life – we can’t just run at life and hope for the best. We do need to think about all sorts of things, just like with a fireplace.

Just a thought…

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

Many Russians flee Russia by train to Finland. In a war everyone is a loser. We are all sisters and brothers. There are many Russians living in Finland, and many experience more bullying or harrassment, because of what's going on in Ukraine. That's too sad.

Andy B 2 Minute Video, Pancakes Aren't Fiddly! S4, E36

Pancakes are a great way of having fun while you cook AND eat. And we like them a lot in the BerryBunch household!

We all take part in both sides of the process, but, of course, the ending – and eating – is always the more popular. And that’s just Andy and Jo!

Sometimes it’s good not to fiddle with things – like painting. Paint over the spot too many times, and you ruin your work.

But food? Sometimes a little fiddling as it cooks is a great way to get the best result.

It may not make a huge difference to the eating, but since a picture paints a thousands words, and the proof is in the pudding, the final appearance really does matter!

Just a thought…

For a full transcript, or to listen to the podcast visit our website –

Andy B

@Berrybunchfamily @DevotionalTreasures my heart is also turned towards Putin this morning. I pray for his salvation.

Endurance, Back To Basics, Season 4, Episode 1

Endurance is your weekly spiritual workout, whether you think of yourself as a beginner, an intermediate, or advanced!

Explore with us as we kick of this new season with our first episode, ‘Back to Basics’.

Go Deeper with Andy B, as he talks about going back to basics.

Andy mentions supermarkets’ basic items ranges as he looks at how the word ‘basic’ means different things to different people.

Nathan and Steven discuss today’s theme, going back to basics, and provide three simple challenges:

Firstly, they recommend memorising John 3:16.

Secondly, they remind us of the importance of sharing the gospel with all those around us, through our actions not just words.

And lastly, they suggest writing a 100-word testimony as a short, concise answer for your faith.

For a full transcript of Andy B’s , visit our website -

The BerryBunch

@sinbach @jezzadiah4messiah my wife and children are extremely good at preventing me from taking myself too seriously 😂

I received (yesterday) this forwarded message from a sister in Christ in Finnish, and again my own translation of it to English:

"We got a message yesterday from our friend in Kiev:
I want to encourage you with the words of our known soldiers and of other common people who are coming from different warfronts. They tell:
"We feel your prayers. Sometimes happens something very inexplicable, like an invisible hand really would direct the bullets and other ammunitions away from us so that they fly us by. We get victories in very difficult situations, like if someone was guiding them. We become invisible to our enemy, but we self can see them in complete darkness so that we know what and how to react. All of this is giving us courage and strenght. We believe that the Lord Jesus himself is protecting Ukraine. We ask you, please, don't quit your prayers, but keep on praying. We need you!"

@sarikorpi wow. Praying on! Was praying just yesterday for Russian bullets to be redirected".

Wow - thanks for sharing

Andy B

@DevotionalTreasures our family prayer time today was specifically about Putin meeting Jesus, or more specifically for Jesus to go meet him in person

Putin is the one man that can end these troubles.

Jesus is the only way to end these troubles

Happy Sunday everyone.

The Lord bless you all with his Word
and his Holy Spirit.

Please pray now brethren:
From BBC News now -
Vladimir Putin says he is moving the country's nuclear deterrent to 'special alert'
He says it's a response to Nato "aggression", including statements and sanctions

One quote to rule them all, and in the darkness guide them!

I often joke about there being a ‘Lord of the Rings’ line or quote to fit every situation in life.

Well, I would I’m a ‘Lord of the Rings’ fan! In saying that there is depth to some of the lines and quotes from the film or book whether from Gandalf, Bilbo Baggins, Frodo, or Sam or any of the other characters.

“It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.” (Isaiah 55:11).


For the rest of this post -->

You can’t kill off hope!

A quick little blog post that I wrote today, on this Sunday.

Because the small spot of sun, that was poking around a curtain, inspired me to remember to never give up hope!

Romans 5 points us to a hope, not in a something, but a someone. And that someone has a name, and that name is Jesus Christ!

For the rest of the post -->

Andy B

The coming night and tomorrow day are critical moments. At stake is everything, what the whole civilisized world believes and what it has built so far.

With tears in our eyes we request you, no matter on what time zone you are in, to spend time in prayer and fasting in front of God. 🙏

Pray the Lord to protect us from insane armies, which wants to mock at the cost of faith and God's truth.

We ask you to share this message to all your friends, relatives and acquaintances in Europe, Asia, America and all over the world!

Prayer is stronger than the strongest enemy🙏🙏🙏!

Your brothers and sisters from Ukraine 💙💛

@bethany with you in this. I used to preach and teach at the front of a church that had been there for many hundreds of years, with churches on that exact spot for around 1,000 years

When I spoke, I was always reminded of the people that had spoken before me, and the people that had come to worship there

It was humbling to me to say anything there!

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